School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...


Dear Classmates

Referring to the homework for your vacation!

One of the main intentions for this homework is to cover all suras in The holy Qur'an at a glance. The following table is suggested for organizing your reading.

These steps are expected:

1. Open the Holy Quran(Start from the very beginning)

2. Read the first verse(s) and write down them in the 2nd column(So easy!!!)

3. According to the verse(s) of the previous step, write down the intention or the main subject the sura is going to talk about and write it down in the 3rd column.

4. Choose special symbols for your understanding grade; Some suras are new(Hollow circle) and some are familiar(Solid circle).

The whole process for a single sura should not take more than 10 minutes (By a simple calculation it would take 1140 minutes which is equal to 19 hours)!!

Voluntary step:

Mark the suras that have similar subjects(According to their first verses) and make sura families. In further steps in your 5th book, you can even acquire the ability of comparing between the members of a single family.

یا مقلب القلوب و الابصار

یا مدبر اللیل و النهار

یا محول الحول و الاحوال

حول حالنا الی احسن الحال

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

The recorded voice for the 43rd session on "Naazeat" sura can be downloaded below:





  • Foreign Language School

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

As our 4th book, Sura-oriented Tadabbor is finished, we plan to review and practice all the lessons on a single sura. The outcome can be a conference or a booklet on that sura. the picked sura is "Naazeat" sura. The steps you should take in a two-week timeline are the following:

1. Please read the sura at least 20 times (By different models as you wish)

2. Apply classification methods on the sura:

  2.1. Subjective-sequential classification

         Try to classify the sura to general topics in less than 15 minutes then make the topics more specific due to the important details

  2.2. Hagh and Batel Trend

         Only classify the verses and do not analyze the resulting table.

  2.3. Facts and human actions

         Speed is important here, based on the Arabic literature and the lesson learned classify the verses in to these two categories.

  2.4. Different levels of facts

         Classify the verses in the pyramid mentioned in Ghaaf sura.

These findings along with a summary from the methods mentioned in the class should be with you in the next session.

If you had more time, You can enter finding SUVs and SBVs and complete the diagram in previous homeworks.

All the praise only belongs to Allah...

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

The recorded voice for the 42nd session on Aarahman sura can be downloaded below:





  • Foreign Language School


By honors, The "School of Unified Ummah of Mercy" or SUUM plans to begin a new "Tadabbor" course in order to broaden the number of its members. The members are served as preachers, translators and educators of the Quranic concepts. The following points should be considered:

1. Volunteers should have at least the upper-intermediate level's certificate in English especially being master in speaking and writing. An interview is planned for evaluating the volunteers.

2. The priority is with students studying in the field of Foreign languages and literature.

3. The course is planned to be 12 sessions; and consequently, as an output a conference is expected to be performed by the class attendants .

4. The course is presented bilingually, mostly in Farsi excepting some parts such as free discussions, etc.

4. The class would be on Saturdays at 1:00 to 3:00 PM.

5. For Pre-registration please call: 88962724 or Visit the school Director - Miss Esfahani

 Add: #25, 2nd floor, 16th Azar st, Ahlebayt School

The class is held at: #1437 North Kargar Ave., Enqelab Sq., Tehran, Iran, Quran-Etrat school

Wish You Luck

  • Foreign Language School

Dear classmates:

The recorded voice for the 41st session on "Qamar sura" conclusion and an introduction on "Arrahman sura" can be downloaded below:




  • Foreign Language School


In The Name of One Who Causes

The Grain and the Fruit-stone to Split and Sprout


Imam Ali (Salute to Him):

“O, Allah! Make my inner self to be involved with praising and worshiping You in the world…”


Human has been approaching the deadline of his life through passing the moments step by step. Achieving his major and minor aims has been donein these moments and his eternal life is written through this passage. Therefore, it is necessary to manage his life bit by bit by making hard effortsalong with using his wisdom and thought. In order to use his precious lifetime properly, he should pay attention to various issues avoiding his ignoranceand forgetfulness. Some of these issues are as follows:


1.     The role of religion in arranging a plan


Human has a self-determination and power of choice. This makes him either pursue his prosperity or deviate from the prosperity path and reach wretchedness.

The prosperity path is a definite way with an obvious beginning and end. Its constituent elements are clearly defined by the Divine messengers.Each and every mankind, with any belief, has a faith based on which having a plan leading him to either prosperity or misery.

Hence, the nature of belief and faith is to have a plan. That’s why, a religion includes a collection of programs by which human will be obliged. It is important to know how understanding a religion could help him in arranging a plan for his life.


      Imam Mohammad Baqer (Salute to Him) narrates from his father quoting Imam Ali (Salute to Him) as:

      “A man does not discover the truth of faith otherwise he has three features: understanding religion, being patient in calamities, and  having a proper planning in his life.”                                        

                                                                                     p.85, vol.68; Bahar Al Anvar


Alike the purpose of religion, what is attempted to access in planning and a program is to attain a goal. Each individual should at first be aware ofthis path, then, based on it, move step by step in accordance with his own general final purpose in his life. In this process, he is obliged to think ofhis true needs, destiny and the end of his own life as well as its stages. So this “planning” means to design a map on the basis of what is existing atthe present time besides what he considers for himself to reach in future.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates:

1. According to the new lesson, read through "Al-Rahman: The Merciful" sura and find Ehkam or general verses (independent from substrates).

After finding those verses, Please compare them in a table from pure and impure point of view.

Then introduce the verses aiming towards Ehkam as General(Ehkam) components and the verses aiming towards details(Tafsil) as general to detail(Ehkam to Tafsil) components.

Finally focus on the refrain verse in the sura and draw the diagram pointed out in Homework #25.

2. Do remember to gather the translated words till now and email them as soon as possible for our telegram channel feed.

3. We are still waiting for finalized "Falagh workshop" program (Although it has already been postponed)

4. Bear in mind to summarize the methods mentioned in this book for our conclusive session

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates:

So far we have reached session 40! The recorded voice on "Ghamar" surah focusing on pure and impure Ehkam in persian can be downloaded below:



This Session we had a guest from America, a preacher of Islam working on Criminal psychology(Working with prisoners) and introduce them Islam. Her speech is actually on Falagh sura, Focusing on the great satan, The USA!

Download-Session40-Foreign Guest
  • Foreign Language School