Dear All
The speed of teaching was such that reading the following lines would be helpful:
1. The Diagram of the surah helps us to:
- Have a general view about a single surah
- Look at the surah in brief
- Convert the statements into visual symbols
- Can reflect the existing relations
- and etc.
2. By drawing a diagram you can have a framework or template that enhances your ability in writing statement and also contemplation.
3. There exist three types of Diagrams:
3.1. Sequential Diagram: As its name shows the sequence of the verses should be reflected in this diagram. It is the easiest
to draw and hardest to interpret! Actually you follow up the path of the surah(Descending and ascending)
in drawing such diagram you have to be familiar with classification of the subjects in one view(Refer to older posts).
because change in subject should change the path of the diagram.
In another view, you have to be familiar with the words acting as "cutting/connecting markers" i call them or in other
words, the ones which have the role of making borders between subjects.
some of these markers are "ف","و" as connectors(but sometimes cutters!) and "کلا" as cutting agent

3.2. Component-Oriented Diagram: In this type there is no need for showing the sequences. Simply you pick a component
(refer to seeing well-Hearing well) and put the related items from all over the surah around it in a logical order. Again
your primary statements help you on drawing this type. Last point is that it could be drawn for a specific number of verses
comprising a verse group(So it is a local diagram but can be generalized by merging them together).

3.3. Subjective Diagram: This type is close to the component-oriented diagram with a difference that first you pick a topic
(From out of the surah which needs some conversions or the concepts or words present in it). In the next step you
entitle all the verses according to the selected topic. at last you have a diagram which places your topic at the center
and the titles you wrote around it. So you can say that the surah is talking about "x" topic in these chapters.

4. For better insight you can refer to the "Tafakkor" book and review the Diagrams drawn in each surah especially "Moddaser" surah.