School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...


In The Name Of Allah

1) Not only we should rely on our senses to conceive a subject, but we had better to use our imagination power to see even things not being able to see them by our eyes or other senses.

2) Noticing that there are some people needing our care and confidence so as to be motivated.

3) In order to feed a needy person, it is essential to consider what s/he needs first and/or  what are his/her characteristics matching his needs  then in which field it is better to help him/her.  

4) If we fulfill what God expect us to do, God may raise our honors and respects in the eyes of other people to see and appreciate our good deeds without any publicity; that is, it is adequate to purify our intentions as well as our actions only for God.

5) Apparently, there are some people whose basic needs are not easily distinguishable in a society; hence, we should use stronger tools than our physical senses , such as  our imagination  or intuition to see or comprehend what causes them to become stagnant _ with no progress in a society_ in addition to how it is possible to stimulate them to develop .

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

Here it comes the 5th session voices. Sorry for the delay:



  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

I wanted to note that we would start our second topic next week if God wills. I ask you to do the following assignments:

1- Please Focus more on your final exam from the pre-requisites of Tadabbor

2- According to the surahs covered in the class, Please write one of the following

            2-1- Pick a surah and try to write a story plan / a play according to it for children

                  It can be done through creating a character with perfections or defects and write a story for him/her

            2-2- Suggest a procedure to implement the culture of book reading through model making

                   according to Ensherah surah

3- Start a discussion on "A'ala" surah by providing your statements after completing the exam of course!

    and share your understandings as much as possible

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All;

Please check out our 3rd clip!

Download-Zoha Surah-HA

  • Foreign Language School
Dear All

The following Essay is written by miss Shahmoradi, we thank her first and ask you to kindly comment on it

CEIE: A practical reading of The Quran

Contemplate:  Break down the verses (ayahs) and discover the relationship between them

Elucidate:Extract the core concepts of the Sura

Incorporate: Plan on incorporating the concepts into your personal/ social life

Evaluate:  See how much your plan helps you in becoming a better person


The Virtue of Reciting Surah Humazah

On the virtue of reciting this Surah, a tradition from the Holy Prophet (S) says:


"He who recites this Surah will be rewarded 'ten good deeds' as many as the number of those who mocked Muhammad (S) and his companions".1

  Also, a tradition from Imam Sadiq (as) denotes that:

 He who recites it in any of his obligatory prayers, poverty will stay away from him, sustenance will approach him, and a hideous death will be repelled from him.2

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

Thanks to Miss Golipour and her efforts. you can comment on it !

In the name of the most compassionate

1- There is always a group of people in society that they deny beleif to God and they say there is no last day.

2-Belief to God and last day are a fact and everybody who denies them is a lier.

3-Somebody who denies belief to God they banish the orphans from themself.

4-They don't hold in respect the orphans.

5-They don't help the orphans materially and also they shatter the orphans' personality in fact they shatter them spiritually (like Homaza Lomaza)

6-The orphans need to help materially and spiritually.

7-They think they are better than the needies.

8-They think helping the needies is a cheap act.

9-They don't encourage others to help the needies because they don't want to spread this act.

10-The act doesn't encourage by others , people don't like to do it widely.

11-They don't try to resolve the needies' material needs.

12-Food is a basic need for life and everybody without food can't live for a long time but they don't pay attention to this matter.

13-God curse a group of prayers.

14-These prayers only have shelf  of  belief to God in fact they belief to God physically.

15-These prayers are unaware from their prayer and they are lax , it means that they are praying apparently but in fact they are thinking to other things.

16-This kind of prayer don't prevent of  bad act it means that this kind of prayer don't have any good effect.

17-If the prayer of person be real, it protects the person from denying belief to God and so this person don't banish the orphans and the needies from themselves.

18-These persons want to pray but other things are preoccupying them , it means it is inadvertent.

19-These prayers pray for duplicity because they want to receive other material.

20-These persons want to do activities to other people think they are better than the others, it means that it's a intentional act.

21- These persons help the orphans and needies to show off.

22-So this person want to cheat others and so this person is a lier.

23-These prayers can help the others but they forbear to give basic needs to the needies.

24-These persons offer different excuse to not help the needies.

25-They not only don't help the needies themselves , they prevent others to do this.

26-They not only don't help the needies themselves also they interfere in others' help.

27-They deprive the needies from basic needs.

28-Some groups of peaple deny God clearly but some groups of peaple accept God apparently but in fact they do activities that are against with what God want so because these persons don't believe God in act in fact these persons are like the first group and in fact they also deny God.


And this is my clip about this surah , it doesn't include all statements about this surah but I thought it's better than nothing and I hope it will be better in future.(I congratulate all for our second production)







  • Foreign Language School

Have you ever paid attention to those who pretend to observe their prayers closely? If they really do so, then why they do not show any interest to the others' problems in society. This controversy in one's beliefs and his social achievements seems strongly unacceptable by God.

In order to perform our prayers purely, we should fulfill some commitments including caring about needy people such as our neighbors or distinctive relatives. Even if we are not able to help them ourselves, we could persuade and encourage others to do so. Aiding people is not necessarily by paying money; it might be a merciful behavior, a gentle smile, a respectful talk, and alike. Thus, we should not justify our neglect toward others' difficulties in society.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

I congratulate you all. This is our first clip produced by Ms.Moshtaghi.

We are really thankful to her and the long time she spent on it.

May Allah accepts from her

This is a clip based on the vision obtained from Surah Maoon, after thinking and focusing on Surah guidelines to improve our life style.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

The sample power point file below shows what do we mean by producing a PPT file

PPT File-Zoha Surah

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

According to the questions about the dictionary:

1) The dictionary would provide the new definitions for each word in the surah according to "Altahghigh book"

2) Each surah has to have separate collection of words

3) We have done the most of the path in so-called "Homework hints". you can use them.

4) About the structure:

                      4-1) The word in Arabic

                      4-2) The phonetics in English

                      4-3) The translated definition of the word

                      4-4) Its use in verse meaning(The root and also the derivative)

                      4-5) A picture or an example around us that best fits the meaning

                      4-6) Its synonyms in Quran and their distinctions(Voluntary)

We are glad to listen to your comments and suggestions.

  • Foreign Language School