Dear All;
To enhance your abilities in the "Tadabbor" process it is suggested to look up the words used in the soore. Words are the building block of each soore. The following words may be useful to you:
1. "Nabz" : Throwing out something after fulfilling our need
هو القاء شیء استغنا عنه
2. "Hotama": Breakage of something in a manner that it works no more and its structure harms i.e. Breakage of a glass into small parts
هو کسر هیئه شیء و ازاله نظمه و افناء حالته
3. "Allah" : Is the collection of all nouns and adjectives related to God
4. "Mughada" : The characteristic of burning and flaming of the fire
هو التوقد و الحراه فی النار
5. "Tatale'o" : Penetration and surrounding something i.e. The sun rise
هو النفوذ و الاحاطه
6. "Af'edah" : The heart with the characteristic of attention to something and love / The heart with many input and outputs
7. "Mo'sadah" : Accordance to something without difference
هو الانطباق
8. "Momadadah" : Spreading in all direction
هو الامتداد فی جمیع الجهات
Notice: The meaning of the words are extracted from the book " Al-Tahghigh-fi-Kalamate-al-Quran-al-karim"