In the name of God
to our 4th topic. The main goal of this topic is to see the surah as
a united package of words, verses and topics and reach its intention.
Considering the following points are necessary before start:
Surah in Arabic means the wall, it does specify the surah borders and it keeps
it as a distinct entity.
Each surah has special arrangement of topics, verses and words different from
other surahs. Exploring this special arrangement may help us to find its
intention or in other words its special prescription of guidance.
have to pay attention here to the cuttings, the relations, the priority of
subjects and major or minor subjects in a surah.
The surah template can be determined through “Classification”. So we can call
this topic, “Methods of classification”.
“Ons” or getting close to the surah is something necessary here, So the
repeating process and looking at surah from different points of view is
this introduction, we are going to cover the following topics:
4. Methods of classification
4.1. Sequential-subjective
4.2. “Hagh” or truth flow and
“Batel” or fake quasi-flow
Classification of the positive,
negative and prophet in the surah
4.3. Desired and unpleasant
condition classification
4.4. The facts and human outputs or
4.5. Different levels of facts
4.6. Situation-free(Ehkam) and
situation-based(Tafsil) verses
4.6.1. Methods of finding the situation-free verse
4.6.2. Relative components or mediators(Ehkam-to-Tafsil and vice versa)
4.6.3. Situation-free verse types(Pure and impure)
4.6.4. Situation-based verse types(5 types)
4.6.5. The most SFV or strongest Ehkam
The following diagram shows the 4th
book in brief: