Dear All
I welcome you to our new topic "Methods of Tafakkor". For the coming session please do the following:
1) Read Through "Modasser" Surah 2 times at least
2) According to 7 different expressive forms(Imperative,Prohibition,Encouragement, Threatening, Narrative, Similitude, Law/Argumentation)
classify "Modasser" Surah.
* keep in mind that a single verse can be put under two or more columns
* Put the verses in the table in the form that the sequence of the verses is kept(by shifting the new numbers a row down)
3) By considering the existing relations between the expressive forms, answer to the questions 5 and 6. In the case of absence,
the questions can be downloaded from the link below.
For answering question 4 you can use "Almizan Tafsir" on the surah
4) Think about the examples of "Ghiam" around yourself and talk about it about 5 minutes
Please record your voice and bring your recordings this week.