School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...

۱۷ مطلب با موضوع «Methods of Tadabbor 1-5 :: "Book Two:Methods of "Tafakkor :: Muddathir Surah» ثبت شده است


Dear all

The recorded sound by Miss Mirmalek can be accessed from the link below


  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

One of the ways in strengthening "Tafakkor" is considering the background of the verses.

Background can change our attitude on a subject by putting the words in a scene which

defines the word specifically. The background can be obtained from:

1) revealing reasons of the verses or surahs

2) Social, Geographical, and Cultural condition

3) The verse itself and its words

considering all the possible references for obtaining background, it should be considered that the

added background should not be in conflict with the verse and the surah and also the added understandings

should be checked out because sometimes adding more data to the surah would result in misunderstanding

God's intentions!

Talking about the words, we can say that words have relations with each other in the surah. Here we decompose each

word in the surah(or key words in long surahs) into 4 subfields:

                     1) Meaning components(The components forming the word)

                     2) Meaning requirements(The ingredients needed for the formation of the meaning)

                     3) Meaning results(The results achieved by the creation of the word)

                     4) Examples(The examples presenting the whole meaning)

you can follow the example for understanding decomposition of the words by the word "Ghol":

As your homework this week:

1) Please Answer to the questions 2 and 3

2) As an individual, choose 3 words from "Moddaser" surah and decompose it into the 4 mentioned subfields

    Be ready for lecturing the words in the class in front of a partner!

    You can have the meaning of the words from "Attahghigh" book presented in previous posts

Good Luck

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All



  • Foreign Language School
In The Name Of God

There are some highlighted points as: 

1) Qiam/ One should rise up to change himself and his society;

2) Kabber/ God is Great. Neither exaggerate your good work, nor be afraid of any obstacle to achieve your goal, because God is greater than any so_called problem;

3) Fataher/ Facing obstacles, one should purify both his appearance, presenting his inner side, and his actions;

4) Hajar/ One should move and migrate to somewhere else, provided that he confronted some impure reactions to his uprising or Qiam. 

Appreciate and God Bless you all
  • Foreign Language School

"Allah"   "Tough times are like speed bumpers...They only slow yiu down a little....They don't throw  you off course.......   Arjmandi

  • Foreign Language School


Contemplating /Thought is a kind of uprising for comprehending an issue. Lack of Planning and Paying attention to its background and factors which are irrelevant to the issue but are considered as the base of that thought may cause to abort that thought or may lead into an opposite result. Therefore, knowing the background of each uprising could be used into two aspects:

1) Keeping the uprising ( or Qiam( 


2) Keeping the thought

In Muddassir Sura relating to the first year of Quran's Revelation and arising and announcing it publicly, these two points were well stated : in both above_mentioned items, the backgrounds are the most important issues to consider, and definitely it is essential to be kept them away from the environmental effects.

Grounds and Environmental backgrounds are strongly able to have an impact on uprising (or Qiam) as well as a thought that not only may deviate them from their right path, but also be a means of their deviation.

Appreciate and God Bless you all


  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

I welcome you to our new topic "Methods of Tafakkor". For the coming session please do the following:

1) Read Through "Modasser" Surah 2 times at least

2) According to 7 different expressive forms(Imperative,Prohibition,Encouragement, Threatening, Narrative, Similitude, Law/Argumentation)

    classify "Modasser" Surah.

    * keep in mind that a single verse can be put under two or more columns

    * Put the verses in the table in the form that the sequence of the verses is kept(by shifting the new numbers a row down)

3) By considering the existing relations between the expressive forms, answer to the questions 5 and 6. In the case of absence,

    the questions can be  downloaded from the link below.


    For answering question 4 you can use "Almizan Tafsir" on the surah

4) Think about the examples of "Ghiam" around yourself and talk about it about 5 minutes

     Please record your voice and bring your recordings this week.


  • Foreign Language School