Dear classmates
The voice for the 23rd session can be downloaded from the link below:
Dear classmates
The voice for the 23rd session can be downloaded from the link below:
Dear classmates
The three previous posts by mi Arjmandi completely describes the lesson, but as a review i would like to mention some points:
1. When we face a surah and we conclude that sequential-subjective classification gives more groups than usual and the topics have discontinuity(in appearance), it is suggested switch to this kind of classification
2. To achieve this, we should make a table with column titles, "Mogharabun- leaders of guidance", "Ashab Yamin - The guided ones", and "ashab shemal - misled ones".
2.1. Then we should put the verses related to the headings under the suitable column
2.1.1. The verses containing facts about Allah or nature should be put under "Mogharabun" column because they are the mediators for these fact to reveal and without them nothing could be understood.
2.2. The most important part would be the analysis of the table by writing logical statements. The analysis can be done through the following path:
2.2.1. Tracking people: In this part we wish to fin out the relation between the beliefs, actions, directions in a person
This can be done through analyzing the table vertically and column-wise
2.2.2. Truth and fake trend contradiction: Here we compare the trend of guided ones and misled ones with each other and by revering the characteristics we get to know each one better. Keep in mind that reversing should be verified by some verses and validated because such reversal may not be synchronized with the surah intention. The analysis here is done horizontally and row-wise.
2.2.3. Getting to know the leadership characteristics: Here we are talking about the leaders of truth and fake trend in a surah. This can be done through focusing on "mogharabun" column and investigating their relations with two other groups. By contradiction here we can find fake trend leadership characteristics.
3. This type of classification gives the ability to predict ones destiny or finding the problem roots in society and individual and try to lead all the people synchronize themselves with truth trend in order to survive!
In The Name of Allah
Reviewing the Leadership and Followers' traits**
Apparently, when we introduce the most faithful believers, or the nearest believers to God " so_called Moqarebon" as a guiding forerunner; the leadership and guidance of the Truth trend is always with them. This leadership is deemed by one of its dimensions in each sura and attempted to correct the perspective and outlook of human to the leadership and guidance. Therefore, we will achieve the characteristics of the truth leadership and followers by surveying on the traits of the nearest and most faithful believers to God. a
The most essential characteristics of the Truth followers along with the leadership of such an honorable messenger is to praise and worship Allah. Nevertheless, the leadership of the fake Quasi_ movement trend is not explicitly indicated in this sura,; it is inferred by the common traits of all falsehood leaders that they repel against whoever appointed by God as His messenger, hence the leadership of the fake Quasi-movement trend is by the rebellions against the Divine commands. a
To sum up, if we redeem the sura's subjects, it is illustrated after the greatness of the Inevitable Event ( Al_Haqqah) and attracted the audience's attention to the denial of the former generations and considered these audience as survivals of the occurred mishap to be guided to the Hereafter scenery in which the position of the Right_handed companions and left_handed companions are restated and then the position of the prophet (PBUH) for the guided ones in addition to differentiating the mentioned groups at the Presence of Allah and His Messenger and His Special Angels. a
Based on: Sura_Oriented Tadabbor Book
F. Arjmandi
In The Name of ALLAH
Counter_movement Trends**
A) The Truth(Haq) a
B) The fake Quasi_trend (Batel) a
In addition to indicating the characteristics of human behavior and beliefs, some other facts are also expressed in each sura. Probing these facts will show us two counter_movement trends as the truth and fake quasi_trend. a
Notice the verse 40) " That this Qur'an is the Word revealed to an honorable Messenger." Regarding to this verse, it could be a truth to distinguish between humans, since this sort of outlook to Qur'an expressed by Allah's messenger who is honorable is not found in the fake Quasi_trend philosophy. We can use the other verses of the sura for having a better recognition of the truth and falsehood trends, as well. a
As another instance, we may pay attention to the verses 38_39) " I swear by what you mankind can see > the visible world< and what you cannot see > the unseen world< ; as well as the verse 12) " So that the story of Noah's Ark may become a reminder for you mankind; and the ears who listen to the truth hear it and take admonition." It is possible to conclude by these verses that one of the traits of the truth in this sura is to obey the Divine messenger for comprehending the truths; owning to the fact that all knowing subjects could not be traceable by mankind. That's why, human should take notice that some world's truths are seen whereas some are not which these unseen ones are only and only will be uncovered by God's will to human being by the Allah's messenger. a
For this reason, the first verses of this sura, verse3) " And what will make you know how the Inevitable Event will happen?", clarifies a higher truth in this sura stating that access to its face is out of human's hand . And if there is not the honorable messenger for manifesting these facts as well as people do not follow the Divine messengers for perceiving them, people will happen to belie as the former generations did. On the other hand, one of the most features of the falsehood trend is to reject the truth and this is due to their disbelieving in the messengers are the prophets appointed by God. a
By considering the actions and reactions of these two opposing trends, the truth and the falsehood, in this sura, one could sum up that the sura mainly focuses on the counter_movement trends regarding the position of the honorable messenger pertaining to the Divine revelation . a
F. Arjmandi
In The Name of ALLAH
Each of Qur'an Suras states distinctively two trends of the Truth (Haq) and the fake quasi_trend (Batel). The truth trend is to reveal the Divine Blessings leading to the guidance; reversely, the fake quasi_trend, any misleading mischievous movements and tendencies, is opposing the Divine Guidance. a
Hence, by knowing the truth trend in a sura, we are able to recognize the unseen manifestations were revealed to the prophet (PBUH) and also the rising movements by it in the world as well as in believers and their destinies. Additionally, we could study some social trends of falsehood by their behaviors, notions, prejudices and the outcome and consequences of pursuing false leaders. a
If we call human actions as social movements, it is not due to attending more than one person in this kind trends but having impact on some aspects of a whole society in which provided a ground for Divine guiding manifestations or vice versa, depriving from the Divine Blessings. a
Studying the "Al_Haqqah" sura( a thing which is fixed and steady ; its root is "truth" or Haq ; means ascending and actual stability) in accordance with social trends towards the truth considering the following factors are obligatory and necessary: 1) The study of human 2) counter_movements trends 3) Leadership and followers a
The Study of Human a
The human features regarding his behavioral characteristics and beliefs could be obtained explicitly from the direct definition of verses about both trends (the truth and the falsehood). Moreover, since both tendencies have some contradictions, it would be possible to infer and deduce some of their features by their counteracts. With respect to these mentioned points, some common features of the misled group are as : a
Denial and Rebelling verse 10) "And they rebelled against their Creator's Messenger; so Allah seized them with a Severe Torment. verse 49) " And verily, We have made known that there are some among you who belie it a
Not Believing in God verse 33) "since he was the one who did not believe in Allah, the Great Mighty. a
Not Believing in the Judgement Day verse 4) "Thamud and Aad people belied the Inevitable Event of the Day of Judgement a
Annihilated generation and extinction verse 8_10) "Do you see any of that generation alive? Pharaoh and the disbelievers before him and the people of the Overthrown Cities , they all were guilty of committing sin and they rebelled against their Creator's Messenger; so Allah seized them with a Severe Torment." a
On the other hand, some common features of the guided group are as: a
Believing in the Judgement Day verses 19_20) " Then as for him who will be given his record in his right hand, he will say proudly:" Take this record of my deeds and read it." "I did know that I will surely meet with my account." a
Listening to the truth , accepting and believing in them verses 11_ 12) "Verily, <as regards with believers> when the water rose to the level of flood, We carried you in the Ark of Noah, " " So that the story of Noah's Ark may become a reminder for you mankind; and the ears who listen to the Truth Hear it and take admonition." a
Based on : Sura_Oriented Tadabbor Book
F. Arjmandi
Dear Classmates
The coming Thursday(Tir the 18th) we do not have our class. The class would be held next week, by a new formation:
8:30-10:30 surah oriented Tadabbor
10:45-13 Pre-requisites of Tadabbor in detail (Presentation and discussion)
As the homework, please classify "Haaghe" surah sequentially and subjectively. The classification should be done in a kind of table mentioned in previous homework post. Keep in mind that this classification is required in a sense that one can compare between the methods of classification and also has the role of reviewing.
Dear classmates
The voice for the 22nd session can be downloaded from the link below:
In The Name of ALLAH
Each of Qur'an suras has a fact which meets human's needs and guides him in the perfection path. In each of which one of the guiding and promoting dimensions is expressed as well as some aspects of deficiencies to human's growth and development are emphasized. That is based on human's requirements in addition to his individual and social life stages, each sura is reminding a variety of principles and practical ways.
The perception of guiding prescriptions of each sura for a mankind is indeed perceiving the life map in each stage of it and also a proper answer to his real requirements. Surely, all of mentioned points vary according to one's growth capacity.
The Waqi'ah sura, including 96 Ayats revealed in Mecca, is mainly on ending the world and starting of the Resurrection Day. Waqi'ah means an event. People are to divided into three groups of Al-Sabeqoon (the foremost in faith), the Right_handed companions(exalted ones), and the left_handed companions (disgraced ones).
Ayats1_3: " When the event of Resurrection happens, the event about which there is no lie, it is the Day that will cause some men to disgraced , or descended from what they had in the world, and some to be exalted, or ascended." It is stated that this huge event is definitely to happen without any denial and doubt. In this world some people approve the Hereafter but some reject it. However, when the Resurrection Day happens, each person meets the result of his worldly intention and preferences. when the event happens, all people see the truth as it is so nobody belies it as the ayat says," The event which there is no lie."
Besides, this event causes some people to be descended while some some to be ascended. There are uncovered their worldly intentions and deeds. Their given positions, in the Hereafter, are in accordance with the degree of their beliefs and actions in the world. The powerful affluent disbelievers are descended and plummeted from their high_ranked positions to the worst place in the Hell punishing with disgusting food and boiling drink, whereas the steady believers are ascended to the highest positions in the heaven entertaining with the most delicious food and cold drinks serving by their available servants.
Furthermore, some severe natural events will be happened along with this event. Ayats 4_6 : " The earth will be shaken by the most severe shake, and mountains will be crashed and turned into dust, and the dust will become scattered particles(in the air). " We should pay close attention to this fact that to what degree of Richter scale required to crash the huge mountains into dust at a glance. Perhaps hundreds degrees of Richter scale!
To put it into the nutshell, this sura attempts to remind us of definitely occurring event of the Resurrection Day when the life substrates of human will be thoroughly changed and men are divided and differentiated into three distinctive groups. Based on this fact, it is essential that human believe in the Hereafter by deeming the monotheism of Creator_Nurturer resulting from mainly required elements of his worldly life. Therefore, we should highly and honorably praise and adorn Al_Mighty God for His all Blessing and always say, " so celebrate the Absolute Purity of the Name of your Creator_Nurturer the Supreme Great."
F. Arjmandi
In The Name of ALLAH
In "Word_Oriented Tadabbor" book, we have already learned that each sura consisted of several words chosen based on the intention of that sura which make a cluster or "a society" of words. This society in Quran is composed of words and phrases with positive or negative tendencies, which informing mankind about events and true worldly occurrences leading to guide him through warning and/or encouraging verses.
Guiding human to the right path depends on Quran; and undoubtedly, each of Quran suras plays a role in achieving this objective. "Sura" means 1) high and honorable excitement ; 2) great wall and fortification to avoid any invasion;i.e, a great wall in order to surround a number of houses or a city; 3) an important factor in solving and refusing any guidance deficiency to people. The effective factor in leading people and causing them to distinguish between believers and disbelievers. This has always made disbelievers to be frightened of sura ascending. Hence, the overall intention of the Holy Book is to guide people from all wals of life.
Each and every sura has its own integrity. Additionally, the purposes and objectives of suras differ from each other; as a result, each sura has particular purpose and specific meaning; in the other words, not until does the sura come to its end, its intention is also not completely fulfilled.
With respect to a concept of a sura, the importance of studying each Quran sura will be perfectly considered; and based on this, we will be aware of the benefits of this method of studying. Some of its merits are as :
Each Quran sura includes a number of subjects providing a unique atmosphere by considering a collection of topics and their wholly interlocked connection.
In accordance with the growth stages of human and a society, each sura has a unique position for guiding. To have a clear perception of this position leads to open a sura based on needs of an individual and a society so as to attain more benefits from this Holy Book, Quran.
The more acquainted (ONS) with suras, the higher benefits we gain from them scientifically and spiritually, due to the fact that each sura has a unique position in scientific and spiritual subjects.
All in all, "Sura_Oriented Tadabbor" is to unitedly survey a sura in order to access its major and minor subjects for approaching and uncovering its guiding intention. The intention ascended by God is to lead people to the right path.
F. Arjmandi
Dear Classmates
According to the sequential-subjective classification method, complete the table below for "Vaghe'e Surah" and do your best in finding intentions from verse group relations by different combination of them(Preferably on A3 paper)
we need a conclusive intention from the surah best depicting the specific arrangement of the subjects and the verses along with each other.