In The Name of ALLAH
Muzzammil : The one folded up in a wrap ( of the social commitment burden)
Revealed at Mecca
By "Human actions", it means occurrences, events, manners and attributions of human which are put into practice. In Quranic culture, these human's actions are generally perceived in the form of statements particularly in the form of imperative and prohibition, attributions and consequences.
"Facts" mean the fixed laws being current in the whole universe or in human's field. These laws back the human actions. As an instance, in each sura some verses express the human actions and some others express the Facts. Although some verses reveal some human actions based on Facts; such as verses which state Facts of the Divine Names along with command to human.
These verses are the chain_like links between Facts and human actions; in deed, it is possible to reach the required connection for disclosing the facts by these verses.
The classification regarding the human actions and Facts are actually provided with the feasible and practical perspective of each sura based on which introducing insights, viewpoints, thoughts, beliefs leading to positive actions or preventing negative actions in human.
In order to achieve a better perception of this sort of classification, we follow up the reciting of Muzzsmmil sura.
1st Movement: Reciting the sura and studying its subjects
Notice the emphatic or imperative form of verses
2nd Movement: The sequential classification of the sura
Based on Al_Mizan's Interpretation ( The Quran Interpretation Book), one of the ways of studying the sequential classification is to use the Al_Mizan interpretation classification as follows:
1st group: verses 1_19
This sura commands to the honored prophet( PBUH) to perform night_prayer so as to be ready and well_prepared to meet a divine commitment in society soon which is to receive the Holy Qur'an by Divine Revelation. Additionally, he was commanded to be patient with the baseless and wothless words of disbelievers against the prophet and keep away from them in a proper manner. In these verses, there are some threats and dissuations from the affluent disbelievers.
2nd group: Verse 20
This verse is to lessen the command to the prophet(PBUH) at the beginning of the sura and in mid_sura to the whole believers pertaining to performing the night_prayer. With respect to this verse, Allah find it adequate for believers to recite Qur'an as much it is possible and easy for them. Therefore, this verse is to decrease the sura's beginning command , not to prevent, rising up for the night_prayer at two_third or one_half and/or one_third of night.
Extracted from: Sura_Oriented Tadabbor Book
F. Arjmandi