School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...

۱۵ مطلب با موضوع «Methods of Tadabbor 1-5 :: "Book One:Prerequisites for "Tadabbor :: Zuha Surah» ثبت شده است



The Way towards Brightness (the graph)

1-Believing that God has not forsakes us and is not displeased with us

2-The hereafter is better than this present life

3-God has promised to make those who act as their duties joyous in this life and in the hereafter

4-Sympathizing with orphans and the needy and helping them to overcome their problems; practical proclaiming of the grace and favor of the God

5-Continually commence one duty after the other with eagerness for God’s pleasure.

6-The consequence of such behaviorism is the God’s grant of a breast expansion and a tolerance elevation against the difficulties so that the burdens are taken away upon accepting to walk through the God’s path. This will eventually lead to raise of fame for one’s name, what can be counted a relief after a straightened circumstance.

7-Throughout the movement from darkness (Layl) to brightness (Zoha), a man finds the God’s way more easily and deserves more for God’s blessing.

In Zoha surah, description about brightness and darkness, the real blessing is said to be the “Velayat” and the prophet is asked to act and speak so that this blessing becomes apparent. In Ensherah surah, after promising the easiness to follow the difficulties, the holly prophet is ordered to place Amir-al-momenin as the guider of the society, after getting free from his mission duties.

Hopefully, our beliefs to God’s promises will turn to certainty, one day


Seyedeh Maryam Mesbah

  • Foreign Language School


This diagram combines the surahs Al-Zoha, Al-Nas, and Al-Homazah. Two groups of people are illustrated one who are residing in the dark half (Al-layl) and the other in the bright half (Al-zoha) of the life.

The group residing in the dark half are affected by temptations of Satan which may eventually penetrate into their hearts and make them taunter and ill-will back biter. These people, who are ill-hearted, prefer this present life over the hereafter. The living style such people choose concentrates on wealth collection and keeping its count since they suppose their wealth will last forever. Nay! Verily these will be cast into “Hotamah”. Meanwhile, this group suppose that God has forsaken the holly prophet and is displeased with him while themselves treat the orphans with harshness and repulse the beggars.

On the other hand, the group who have decided to live on the bright half and believe in Allah as their creator, king and God, not only do not suppose that God has forsaken the holly prophet and is displeased with him, but also, believe that it is God who guides, enriches and gives shelter to all people including the holly prophet. This belief is associated with a strong confidence that the hereafter is better for them than this present life. So, following their prophet, they do not treat the orphans with harshness nor they repulse the beggars. Furthermore, this group are practically thankful to God by performing what God has asked them. The destiny of this group, as their prophet’s, is that they are granted and pleased by their God. En-shallah we will receive the holly prophet’s intercession (شفاعت).

Seyedeh Maryam Mesbah

  • Foreign Language School

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Zoha/Inshirah Conclusion


As the Homework please read through "Abas" sura and add a post to the weblog for attendance according to its concepts and your understandings. We also need a scenario for Abas sura conference planned by your own idea.

  • Foreign Language School

In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.
By the morning brightness,( 1 )
by the night when it is calm!( 2 )
Your Lord has neither forsaken you nor is He displeased with you,( 3 )
and the Hereafter shall be better for you than the world.( 4 )
Soon your Lord will give you[ that with which ]you will be pleased.( 5 )
Did He not find you an orphan, and shelter you?( 6 )
Did He not find you lost on the way, and guide you?( 7 )
Did He not find you needy, and enrich you?( 8 )
So, as for the orphan, do not treat him with harshness;( 9 )
and as for the one who asks, do not repulse him;( 10 )
and as for your Lord's blessing, proclaim it!( 11 )


In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.
Did We not open your breast for you( 1 )
and relieve you of your burden( 2 )
which[ almost ]broke your back?( 3 )
Did We not exalt your name?( 4 )
So verily ease accompanies hardship.( 5 )
Verily ease accompanies hardship.( 6 )
So when you are done, appoint,( 7 )
and turn eagerly to your Lord.( 8 )


Would you like to have an open heart as The Dear Prophet (PBUH) has had?

Here are some precious hints from Az-Zoha and Al-Inshirah suras to help you. Consider the fact that to master in having Sharh-e-Sadr (an open heart/ expanded breast) first you need the guidelines, and then need practice and continuity in it.

1. Believe in permanent beneficent merciful presence of Allah in your life. ( Zoha: 3,6,7,8 and Inshirah: 1,2,3,4)

2. Try to know the Hereafter and your life after this world because it is a better life for you. (Zoha: 4)

3. Ask all the blessings and your needs just from Allah. (Zoha: 5)

4. Believe in Him as the only performer and the only effective source in life(Almighty). (Zoha: 5,6,7,8 and Inshirah: 1,2,3,4)

5. Obey His orders and follow His rules. (Zoha: 9,10, 11 and Inshirah: 7,8)

6. Know the Divine Rules which are, in fact, your life's rules. (Zoha: 1,2,3,4,5 and Inshirah: 5,6)

7. Ask for and accept responsibilities even the hard ones. (Inshirah: 2,3)

8. Pick a new responsibility after fulfilling the last one.(Inshirah: 7)

Note: Sometimes you are blessed with some blessings (Zoha: 6, 7,8) then you are naturally responsible for the people who have the same problems you have had before, and it is not a kind of your selection any more. So, now, help them. (Zoha: 9, 10, 11)

9. Tell the others about the blessings given by Allah. (Zoha: 11)

10. Desire Allah. (Inshirah: 8)

Knowing the guidelines accompanies the responsibility of performing and practicing them.

So: May Allah help us to understand Him well  and move steadily on the Straight Path to have open hearts.


اللهم صل علی محمد و آل محمد


  • Foreign Language School

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Statements about the Al-Zoha surah

4) And certainly your Hereafter will be better, for you, than this present life.

This verse denotes that this life is not useless since it is the way toward reaching a happy and pleasant life in the Hereafter and this is what Quran calls “Khair”. The God’s graces and benefactions in the next world for those having done well in this life are, however, much greater than what they are given in this short life.

6) Did he not find you an orphan and did he not give you shelter?

God’s benefactions are available to those who feel need to God’s protection and show feeling in various aspects of their lives. This might be considered as the more in-depth meaning of being “orphan”. Regarding this meaning, the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) is said to have attracted God’s protection because of him being orphan not only due to his loss of parents but also as a deep internal feeling to the God protection. On the other hand, this feeling, itself, is a favor from God given to the prophet following his carefulness over his purity and so are us and the other human beings.


Seyedeh Maryam Mesbah

  • Foreign Language School

In the name of God

Homework no. 6                                                                                                         A brief discussion on Zoha surah

سورة الضحى

 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ

وَ الضُّحَى‏(1) وَ الَّیْلِ إِذَا سَجَى‏(2) مَا وَدَّعَکَ رَبُّکَ وَ مَا قَلىَ‏(3) وَ لَلاَخِرَةُ خَیرْ لَّکَ مِنَ الْأُولىَ‏(4) وَ لَسَوْفَ یُعْطِیکَ رَبُّکَ فَترَضىَ(5) أَ لَمْ یجَدْکَ یَتِیمًا فَاوَى‏(6) وَ وَجَدَکَ ضَالاًّ فَهَدَى‏(7) وَ وَجَدَکَ عَائلًا فَأَغْنىَ‏(8) فَأَمَّا الْیَتِیمَ فَلَا تَقْهَرْ(9) وَ أَمَّا السَّائلَ فَلَا تَنهْرْ(10)  وَ أَمَّا بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّکَ فَحَدِّثْ(11)

Zoha surah begins with 2 oaths, continues by 3 responses, 3 questions and finally 3 imperatives.

The revelation dignity of this surah is termination of Quran voice in a short period. Unbelievers start to slander “Hamz” and backbiter “Lamz” Prophet Mohammad. God ensured Holey Prophet by revealing this surah with two important oaths that are brightness of the full morning light and the night when it is calm. Three hopeful responses to oaths are mentioned: 1) Your creator has neither forsaken thee nor hates thee 2) What comes after is better for thee than which has gone before 3) Soon your Lord will give thee what makes you pleased. Three subsequent questions are: 1) Did he find thee orphan and then shelter you? He found you lost and guided? He found you in need and enriched you?

Ultimately three imperatives are: 1) so you too do not treat the orphans with harshness. 2) Do not repulse the beggar. 3) And as for your Lord blessing proclaim it.

Considering the surah words, we can find words antonyms of each other. Brightness and night (zoha and lail), hereafter and present life (akherat and oula), orphan and shelter (yatim and aava), lost on the way and guided (zall and hoda) and in the last verse: in need and enriched (aael and aghna). With more accuracy we shall find constant and changeable meanings. Zoha, brightness, light are constant and night, darkness and umbrage are changeable. Another example are the words hereafter, other world and futurity against present time, world, universe and vale.

Shelter, teacher, coach and tutor are constant, and orphan, اhelpless and forlorn are changeable. Generally God and all related things to him are constant and all creatures are changeable.

For reaching to God and all related things as brightness, other world, shelter and guidance, creatures should try and understand their real demands and needs.


  • Foreign Language School

In the name of Allah

   At beginning of this Sura Allah wants us to think about the day and night. How these two work side by side and make a perfect harmony. All of us have experienced being in dark when the light went out and how it feels when you cannot see what is around you clearly at that moment you appreciate light much more than before. Then again both of them are twisted to one another without night, daylight doesn’t have any meaning. In our life we can see many examples such as known and unknown things by knowing you understand the other one. Life is full of upside and downside, without downside you don’t realize what is upside.

   On the other hand God has explained the situation that prophet faced when he was younger such as being an orphan and needy, and how God has helped him. Again who knows the pain of being an orphan exactly? an orphan for sure. Who knows what it feels when you ask people for help? the one who has experienced it. And if you remember according to Maun sura we are all orphans and needy ones in our own way. So we shouldn’t treat them harshly and we should put ourselves in their shoes and take care of them as Allah has done for us many times. And for these blessing we should be grateful and say it out loud “Thank you God”.

N.S.Mirmalek Sani

  • Foreign Language School

In the Name of Allah


 Zoha sura has some steps:

1.       Swear

2.       rules

3.       questions

4.       order and prohibitions

·         Swearing by the early hours of the day and night when it covers with darkness. The day and night, the light and darkness (Two important natural phenomena).

·         When you see yourself in darkness, you should know that Allah has not abandoned you, nor is he displeased with you. The reward in the next life will certainly be better for you than worldly gains. If you connect yourself to Allah and be his obedient, then he will soon grant you sufficient favors to please you.

·         When you find yourself as an orphan, lost or in need person (which act as darkness for you), you should only look to Allah for shelter, guidance and richness (as light).

·         In the last step our duty has been specified:

1.       Do not oppress the orphans.

2.       Do not reject the beggars.

3.       Proclaim the bounties of Allah.

All these happenings flow constantly in our life. Help yourself and others to come out of the darkness and to stay connected with Allah. Live under the light of Allah (the light of skies and earthالله نورالسماوات و الارض).



  • Foreign Language School

In The Name of ALLAH

Zoha : The full Morning Light

Revealed at Mecca

It is believed that manifestation of this sura after two_week disconnection of Divine Revelation was like a revival for the honorable prophet(PBUH). Since the pagans had started rebuking the prophet that God left His Messenger as if God was displeased with him and if he was a real messenger, he had to receive the Divine Revelation regularly and incessantly.(But it should be noted that the disconnection is only a belief and may only be people's thoughts. The prophet is always connected to God and this is the distinction between him and others)

The whole sura is divided into three main categories:

1) As an Introduction: Two Solemn Vows

Verses 1_2:

 Two great natural phenomena are referred as solemn promises; "Zoha" or full brightness of day that it might present the ascent of Qur'an and its guidance , as well as "Laile eza saja" or the pitch darkness of night that spread in the sky which might present the spread of ignorance and disconnection from divine revelation.

Verses 3_5: 

The reasons for the Creator's Vows; not only the Creator_Nurturer has never left him or become displeased with him at the present time, but also his future is better than his present since surely soon his Creator will grant him so much blessings to gratify him that might be the great wish of merciful prophet for interceding the whole believers in Hereafter.

2) As the main body of the sura: Reminding the prophet of three individual Divine Blessings for him

Verse 6_8: 

  • Being "Yatim" i.e.,a person who is left shelterless and away from his father or guidance...Here the prophet sought his Creator_Nurturer and felt away from the divine revelation then the Creator ascend him Qur'an;
  • Being "Zal" i.e., a person who is lost and needs a guidance to find his right path in life...Here the prophet needed the Creator's Attention to be guided then the Creator Guide him;
  • Being "Aele" i.e., a person who is dominated so he is poor and needy...Here the real need of the prophet is satisfied with the divine richness.

3) As conclusion: Some social moral instructions to the prophet and, in fact, to all mankind's life span

Verses 9_11:
  • Never treat and deal with orphans (Yatim) harshly;
  • Never refuse the needy severely; 
  •  the last but not the least,  and Always express the Grace and Favor of the Creator_Nurturer to the others whether by appreciation of blessings verbally or by sharing happiness and belongings with others particularly "Yatim" and "Saael" or the needy.

F. Arjmand

  • Foreign Language School

In the Name of Allah The Merciful Beneficent
By the brightness of the full morning Light,
By the Night when it becomes quiet and Still,
That your Creator and Nurturer has not forsaken you And is not displeased with you;
And certainly your Hereafter will be better For you, than this present life;
And surely soon your Creator and Nurturer Will grant you so much of the Blessings That you will be joyous from it.
Did He not find you an orphan and did He not give you shelter?
And also Allah found you lost on the way And he guided you;
And He found you in need so He Enriched you;
So you too do not treat the orphans With harshness;
And do not repulse the beggar;
And proclaim the Grace and Favor of Your Creator and Nurturer to the people

[ To give them hope for invoking to their Creator. ]

She looked at Hosein with his wide, ear to ear smile, and at once and unwillingly smiled like him. How much he was lively and time to time funny. An eight-year-old smart orphan living with 29 other boys in one of the welfare centers.

She did not know anything about his family. Maybe nobody knew about them or why eight years ago they left baby Hosein somewhere in the city. But she knew him well. He was a lovable boy with his childish funny logic and that big and effective smile.

Hosein noticed her and came near.

"Hi ma`am! How are you?"

"Hi Hosein! Fine thanks! What about you?"

"I'm very happy today! Do you know the news about me?"

"No! I just arrived. What news about you??"

"Can you believe that??I have a new FAMILY! I'll go and live with my new FATHER, MOTHER, SISTER and BROTHER very soon!"

"Oh! Really??"

"Yes, and they wanna take me to Mecca as soon as I go to their house! It'll be our first trip together!", and again he displayed his famous heart-melting smile.

She did not know what to say. It was so great to imagine one of those dear orphans in a family living happily with appropriate care and love.

At last she said,"My dear, it's wonderful. I'm really happy for you. I'm sure they're gonna be so proud of you. Have you decided how to behave and what to do in your new family?"

He wisely smiled and with a confident voice answered,"Yes ma`am! I know! Don't worry! I'll be a very good and helpful SON and BROTHER! I'll study seriously to be successful!"

His face was shining brightly while talking about FAMILY which was an ordinary property for the others who had been born and grown in a usual condition unlike him.

Suddenly he remembered something,"Ma`am, am I gonna change my name??"

"Your name??"

"I mean my surname! Do I have to do this?? They say I do!!"

He was at primary school for two years using and getting accustomed to his family name which probably was not related to any family at all, and was chosen when he was a baby.

"Oh yes! you're gonna take your father's surname. Don't you like it? Is it bothering you?"

"No! That's OK I think! Anyway, I have a new FAMILY!"

She stared at his lovely smile, and enjoyed his childish logic. God willing he was going to have a family and a good and proper ground to be brought up; something that was all those kids' DREAM.

She thought,"What if all families that are capable of doing this adopt one of them to make all the welfare centers empty???"

She turned to the kids, saw Hosein among them talking and smiling, and noticed the envy in the other kids' innocent eyes while looking at him. She continued thinking,"Really what if...???"


  • Foreign Language School