In The Name Of Allah
1) God may assure the Prophet (PBUH) to be guided and led to the best by vowing to some natural phenomena including the full brightness of a day,Zoha.
2) Not only did God created us, but He may never leave us misled.
3) If we are directed to some good status in a society, we must help lost or needy people to develop , as well.
4) Provided that I was guided to find a better position, I should not forger the others!
5) It is my social commitments to motivate and support other people.
6) The more treating needy people respectfully, the higher appreciation we show to God's Blessings.
Stage #4: Taharat
1) Behave respectfully with other people esp. the needy ones.
2) Speak positively of given divine blessings.
3) Understanding the pain of being an orphan in addition to being lost in the right path of life will lead us to a better perception of the poor.
Dear All
The Word meanings are introduced below
1. "Zoha" :The time that sun spreads its light in the sky. It is against isha and night
هو الزمان الّذی تشرق فیه الشمس على ناحیة، فی قبال العشاء و اللیل
2. "Sajaa":flow
هو جریان شیء الى أن یثبت و یستدیم على حالة
3. "Vada'a"
هو الدفع بشدّة و عنف
4. "Ghalaa"
هو التضیق و التشدید
5. "Ataa":giving something to something else due to either the greatness or the must that donor ordains for himself.
هو إیتاء شیء لشیء بمقتضى ما فی النفس من عظمة أو التزام، من دون نظر الى جهة تملیک أو غرض أو عوض أو غیرها
6. "Razaya"
هو موافقة المیل بما یجری علیه و یواجهه
7. "Vajada"
: هو إدراک شیء على حالة حادثة فیلاحظ فی الأصل قیدان: الإدراک، و حصول حالة حادثة
8. "Avaya"
هو القصد ابتداء أو عودا الى مقام مادیّا أو معنویّا بقصد السکنى و الاستقرار أو الاستراحة
9. " Zaal":against guided
هو ما یقابل الاهتداء
10. "Aael":Being in the dominance of someone which poverty and requirement are its impacts.
هو ما یقابل العول، و سبق أنّ العول عبارة عن استیلاء فی استعلاء، فَالْعَیْلَةُ عبارة عن صیرورة تحت استیلاء و استعلاء، و من آثاره الافتقار و الفاقة و الحاجة
11. "Ghanaya"
هو ما یقابل الفقر، أى عدم الاحتیاج
12. "Ghahara"
هو إعمال الغلبة، أى الغلبة فی مقام الإجراء و العمل. و سبق أنّ الغلبة هو تفوّق فی قدرة
13. "Nahara":the intensive defensiveness
هو جریان فی تدافع و قوّة و حدّة
14. "Nemat"
هو طیب عیش و حسن حال
15. "Hadatha": the creation of a new thing
هو تکوّن شیء فی زمان متأخّر
P.S. The homework hints would be omitted gradually in order to strengthen your power of translation
Dear All
This week we are going to talk about "Zoha" Surah. This surah along with "Ensherah" Surah are all about our Prophet(PBUH) and a kind of supporting of him
I ask you to kindly accomplish the following tasks
1. For the second time, Read the "Maoon" Surah and write 5 new statements different from what you had written first
2. Try to classify the verses of "Zoha" surah
Classifying means separating the verses that have common subject. you can do this in the form of a table introduced below.
3. Relate the verse groups to each other as much as you can and write down 25 logical statements.
4. As a part of a big project, we were trying to provide a dictionary of each surah words. Please start to complete the dictionary of the previous surahs. The posts in the weblog can help you. it is better to add visual pictures beside the definitions you introduce.
5. Start a discussion on the Topic " The ways to omit hypocrisy from our life according to maoon surah"
The Book called "Chehel hadith" can help you on the subject. Do not panic about not understanding all the parts.
Download-2nd Hadith
Good Luck