Dear All
The Recorded voice for the 8th session is accessible from below:
Dear All
The Recorded voice for the 8th session is accessible from below:
In The Name of God
A mankind speaks his inner message by thinking how to put it into suitable words and structures. Therefore, for expressing a subject, the following points should be brought into consideration as:
1st. "Notq'/ expressing: It is revealing an inner subject; but, intentionally being done or attending of audience are not required. If the external and internal purposes of the speaker are in accordance with each other, the speaker is called an honest person; otherwise, he is a liar.
2nd. "Takalom"/ speaking: It is intentionally expressing a subject at the attendance of audience. If that subject is in accordance with the truth, the speaker is honest; otherwise, he is a liar.
3rd. "Qol"/ telling: It is an intentional purpose of expressing a subject and conveying a message.
The Role of Thought in "Notq"/ expressing oneself:
Thought has a direct impact on "Notq"/ expressing oneself because:
1) By activating the power of thinking, it will be possible to have an access to concepts and truth then there is a subject to speak about.
2) Besides, by thought, it will be possible for human to refer to the divine texts to use them. This leads a person into the different stages of "Notq" so as to observe himself on which stage he is standing up.
3) By thought, we can use the "Notq" of proper people.
4) By tools of thought, one can also comprehend his own inner purpose to present it to his audience through the best method.
5) On the other hand, whenever the thinking power is active in a person, he can achieve a better action by referring the "Notq"/ expression of his audience to his own contemplation ( Taqol) and analyzing that statement in order to be practical. In fact, the other's expressions are subjects for his thought.
The Role of "Notq" in Thought:
In order to activate the power of thinking in human, there are different methods. Some of these methods are as:
1) Various training and purifying methods happen through speaking.
2) One of the training methods is to use the other's experiences in different scientific, spiritual fields.
3) Different types of communication_ to show and satisfy one's need_ will be accomplished by dialog.
4) All verses of the Holy Book, Quran, were put into words by the Revered Prophet (PBUH) so as to deliever us out of ignorance and neglect.
Appreciate and God Bless you all
In The Name of God
Part# 1
Speaking is a means of understanding and being understood. We face some images or we cause others to do so.
"Notq" or to express sth.: It is expressing our inner intentions by revealing it. This can be done verbally, non_verbally or even through sounds themselves. On the other hand, If a person does not reveal his internal purpose, he, in fact, will remain silent. In order to exchange what a person thinks, the following processes are required:
1st. "Notq"/expressing sth. is activated by a need stimulation. As a matter of fact, one should have a reason for expressing himself. One of these stimuli can be the attendance of audience.
2nd. After encountering that need, one should have a subject or a question to present it.
3rd. For expressing one's purpose/ goal, he should use proper words and structures; hence, he must refer back to his own memory_ using the thinking power_ to find out the appropriate words or literature.
4th. One should be able to control his speaking to avoid unnecessary words.
Undoubtedly, having the power of thought is the most requirement for "Notq" or expressing one's purpose.
Appreciate and God Bless you
Dear All
One of the ways in strengthening "Tafakkor" is considering the background of the verses.
Background can change our attitude on a subject by putting the words in a scene which
defines the word specifically. The background can be obtained from:
1) revealing reasons of the verses or surahs
2) Social, Geographical, and Cultural condition
3) The verse itself and its words
considering all the possible references for obtaining background, it should be considered that the
added background should not be in conflict with the verse and the surah and also the added understandings
should be checked out because sometimes adding more data to the surah would result in misunderstanding
God's intentions!
Talking about the words, we can say that words have relations with each other in the surah. Here we decompose each
word in the surah(or key words in long surahs) into 4 subfields:
1) Meaning components(The components forming the word)
2) Meaning requirements(The ingredients needed for the formation of the meaning)
3) Meaning results(The results achieved by the creation of the word)
4) Examples(The examples presenting the whole meaning)
you can follow the example for understanding decomposition of the words by the word "Ghol":
As your homework this week:
1) Please Answer to the questions 2 and 3
2) As an individual, choose 3 words from "Moddaser" surah and decompose it into the 4 mentioned subfields
Be ready for lecturing the words in the class in front of a partner!
You can have the meaning of the words from "Attahghigh" book presented in previous posts
Good Luck
In The Name of Allah
An statement has different meanings on different people with variety of backgrounds. This doesn't mean that the mentioned statement is ambiguous or has two or more meanings. Although that statement conveys only one meaning, it has various impacts on people with different environmental backgrounds. Therefore, it is possible to state that:
"Allah" "Tough times are like speed bumpers...They only slow yiu down a little....They don't throw you off course....... Arjmandi