School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...

۱۵۴ مطلب با موضوع «Methods of Tadabbor 1-5» ثبت شده است


Homework no. 3                        

A Brief Discussion of Mauon Surah

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ  أَ رَءَیْتَ الَّذِى یُکَذِّبُ بِالدِّینِ(1) فَذَالِکَ الَّذِى یَدُعُّ الْیَتِیمَ(2) وَ لَا یحَضُّ عَلىَ‏ طَعَامِ الْمِسْکِینِ(3) فَوَیْلٌ لِّلْمُصَلِّینَ(4) الَّذِینَ هُمْ عَن صَلَاتهِمْ سَاهُونَ(5) الَّذِینَ هُمْ یُرَاءُونَ(6) وَ یَمْنَعُونَ الْمَاعُونَ(7)

Mauon Surah is 107th Surah in Quran. It contains 7 verses. Mauon Surah describes the characteristics of deniers of religion: driving away the orphan, not urging feeding of the needy, being heedless of prays, showing off and denying aids.

Islam religion has personal and also social commands. These two commands are related to each other. Social commands are as important as personal ones. Therefore Mauon Surah, in replying the main question, starts with the social aspects of religion (Din).

Orphan (Yatim) is someone who lost one of his parents, teacher, educator or tutor. So he needs materialistic and spiritual helps. In Quran the word Orphan (Yatim) is repeated more than 20 times. It shows the importance of this social problem in Islam religion:

  • Foreign Language School

    Maybe we have wondered why in this surah God asks his prophet to see the people who deny religion. This kind of seeing is different it needs paying attention and analytical thinking.

    Nowadays we might not see the people who deny religion “din” directly but based on the characteristics that have been introduced in Maun surah. They are the people who treat orphan harshly and do not urge the feeding of the needy. And as my friend introduced these two definitions completely in previous post, you can see that a lot of people are orphan “yatim” and needy “mestin”. So we have to be careful about the way we treat people

    On the other hand when someone prays this come to our mind that person is a believer but in this surah ask our prophet as well as us to look carefully, pay attention to their action. Because not all the praying is acceptable, we should pay attention to the factors like why and how they are praying. Some people pray without attention, some for showing off, and some prevent charity. So we should be really careful about our praying cause without having the appropriate characteristics we might be like the people who deny religion “din”.

N.S. Mirmalek Sani

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

A word file on Ma'un surah can be downloaded from the link below:

Download-Word File


  • Foreign Language School

In this surah Ma’un, Allah tells us what they are doing presently without Belief. A contrast between what they should be doing, and what they are doing instead. Allah’s Messenger is not in social or political power in Mecca, and for him to criticize and point direct fingers at the leaders who have power to harm requires full trust in Allah. One type of people who face injustice in society are the orphans. They have no tribe or clan to support them, so they are all alone and weak. People can abuse, beat up on, hit them – and if no-one is there to support them, nothing will happen against the oppressor. This surah looks like it is discussing 2 distinct groups, because the surah seems divided into two parts :( Part 1: [verses 1-3]) (Part 2: [verses 4-7]). But in reality we will learn that it is referring to 1 group only. And we will reconcile the confusion as to why people originally think it is referring to 2 groups. The first half of the surah is clearly talking about a disbeliever.
The second half of the surah is talking about someone who is praying, although being cheap in that. What kind of low state has this person reached that they still lie against this religion? …

M. S. H. Sadraei

  • Foreign Language School

In the name of Allah, our provider of peace and poverty

In this surah, the attention is attracted towards two negative individual and social behaviorisms and “showing off” (ریاء) is demonstrated as the basis common to all religion deniers discussed in the surah. Thee deniers dissemble by beautifying the outer layer of their acts for showing off to others while these acts are not supported by any underlying beliefs or interests.

On the other hand, a religious society fulfilling God’s satisfaction is a society in which people obey holly chiefs (Imams) and thereby provide themselves by elevated personal characteristics. That’s to say, with performing personal prayers and purifying themselves from showing off, people obtain spiritual purity. This brightness leads, in turn, to social effects in which people aim to aid the needy and orphans and enjoin others for contributing in that. Therefore, by the aid if religion the society, becomes free from poorness and heartsickness and forms a suitable bed for peace and happiness of the members.

Such a society becomes only feasible in the light of people’s belief in God as the only provider of poverty. Such an ideology will sure demolish all traces of self-glory and proudness.

Seyedeh Maryam Mesbah

  • Foreign Language School

In the name of God, the Mercy-giving, the Merciful!
Have you seen someone who rejects religion?( 1 )
That is the person who pushes the orphan aside( 2 )
and does not promote feeding the needy.( 3 )
It will be too bad for the prayerful( 4 )
who are absent-minded as they pray,( 5 )
who aim to be noticed( 6 )
while they hold back contributions.( 7 )

A: Who is 'Meskin' ?

'Meskin' is someone involved in inaction, stagnation and limitation in physical, financial or spiritual power and ability, so he is not able to try and gain his own demands, and then move and progress.

Note: In English you find the word "poor/needy" for 'Meskin' which as you see is not sufficient.

What does 'Meskin' need?

He needs 'Ta`am'.

What is 'Ta`am'?

It is something small or big, materialistic or spiritual and divine which is 'meskin's right and meets his demands, and if has been given to him by anyone in community, it helps 'meskin' to move out of inaction, stagnation, get rid of limitation, and so progress.

Note: In English 'ta`am' means your desired food; this meaning is not much sufficient.


'Meskin' needs 'ta`am' to move and progress, but this 'ta`am', which according to Qu`ran  is his right, should come from community towards him because for different reasons he himself is not able to gain it. 'Ta`am' can be some food, a kind of facility, a proper job, some social or financial help, etc. to solve and remove inaction, stagnation and limitation, and let him move forward and progress.

A practical point:

Think about people around you, start from your own family and then go further. Which one is a 'meskin' in any mentioned aspects? What is his right (Ta`am) which should be provided by you for him?

The answers of these questions are our duties and responsibilities in our own communities; no matter where we are. So, according Al-Ma`un surah we are responsible to be aware of 'Meskin's demands to help him.

B: Who is 'Yatim'?

'Yatim' is someone disconnected from the source which/who has been his parent, teacher, trainer and nurturer or manager. He has been left alone and lonely, so the lack of this helpful and effective source makes serious troubles and regression in his life.

Note: In English you find the word "orphan" for 'Yatim' which as you see is not sufficient.

What does 'Yatim' need?/ Conclusion:

He needs to be warmly welcome and to be properly connected to a source to receive help, reinforcement and support, kindness, 'Ta`am', respect, knowledge and training in some tasks in which he is alone and powerless. 'Yatim' needs the mentioned support to be taught and trained, and then progress. He needs it till the time he is able and wise enough to handle his own life himself ('Boloogh').

A practical point:

Could you recognize who is 'yatim' around you? How can/should you help him? Start from the closest to you and then go further. Do remember not to be harsh to 'Yatim' and push him aside. (Al-Ma`nu, verse 2)

I started from myself! I am a 'Meskin' and a 'Yatim' without... Are you?!

Considering the explanations of the words 'meskin' and 'yatim', I have found out without connecting to Qu`ran and understanding it properly and sufficiently, I am a 'meskin' and 'yatim' because of the shortage or lack of divine and Qu`ranic 'Ta`am' and connection to the Nurturer in any possible aspects of my life. It is truly my situation because as a needy, weak creature I need the Divine 'Ta`am', connection, support, kindness, training and help forever to be fed, helped, trained and rescued. What about you?


(Qu`ranic Dictionary for definitions: At-Tahghigh by Allameh Mostafavi)

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

Class voice

"Miss Kourki" presentation:

Download-Miss Kourki Presentation

Also the presentation material is accessible too:


Download- Nasr Surah Powerpoint

Word document

Download- Nasr Surah Word

Other member's Presentation
Miss Mottaki         Miss Mesbah          Miss NaeemAbadi

Miss Sadraei         Miss Mirmalek         Miss Bigloo

A Question

On "Esteghfaar"


The voice for conclusion(in Farsi) can be downloaded from the link below
Download-Nasr Surah-Conclusion


As the Homework please read through "Ma'un" surah and add a post to the weblog for attendance according to its concepts and your understandings.
  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

You can see the course material designed for teenagers based on Nasr Surah and specially the word "Nasr" or the helping concept. Any comment is welcomed to improve the course material.

Download-Nasr Surah English course

Z.Naeem Abadi

  • Foreign Language School

In the Name of Allah

In this surah "Nasr" and "Fath"  have common meaning (necessity type) as "Nasr" is necessary for "Fath". "Nasr" implies some features in it as  opposing forces, lack of ability , power, help, and plan.So, these opposing forces obstacles victory and confront it.Victory can be blocked or opened. If people mock others, go to the extremes, be disappointed, and overuse blessings in their life (as some examples), they will block their victory by their own actions and disregard God's plan and help in their lives. However, in case of praying by glorifying God and asking for his forgiveness people will open the locks and reach wealth, happiness , and cure which are some kinds of victories that can be seen in our lives with the God and asking for his forgiveness are the prerequisites of his victory as well as help and vice versa.

What is the most important factor in this regard is being purified for God and only obey him in our lives.

Establishment of "Din" is necessary for the dominance of purified God's obedience in the world with the help of glorifying God and asking for his help.


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Al-Nasr surah Powerpoint

Download-Nasr Surah Presentation

Z. Mottaki
  • Foreign Language School