Dear classmates
According to the lesson covered till now please do the following tasks:
1. Pick the word "Abd" in Zomar surah and investigate the derivation subject in it.Find different types of derivation
and write down what should be added to our understanding by considering it.
e.g. "Ta'abod": Asghar type --- Object +Desire
* If you noticed that another word's derivatives are more dominant change the picked root "Abd"
2. Choose 3 words from Zomar surah and derive their meaning from "Attahghigh" book and define the type of definition
and also highlight the parts of definition or new words you face in definition.
e.g. "Falagh": The cutting or separation resulting in appearance of two sides --- components
3. Choose 3 words from Zomar surah. The words are preferred to be in at least one type of context. Then compare the
situation when the context is considered with the raw definition.
e.g. "Zehaar": back or revealing is the raw meaning but in Mojadele surah it is used in religious context. The meaning changes
to a tradition which was a specific kind of divorcing in pegan state of arabs.
Good luck and wish you the best
P.S. I Expect you all to be more involved in uploading texts, clips, understandings, and conversations. We miss you all here.