School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...

۱ مطلب با موضوع «Methods of Tadabbor 1-5 :: "Book One:Prerequisites for "Tadabbor :: Falagh Surah» ثبت شده است


Dear Classmates

Class voice

"Miss Kourki" presentaion can be downloaded from the link below:

Download-Falagh Surah-Voice

Also the presentation material is accessible too:


Download-Falagh Surah- Powerpoint

Word document

Download-Falagh Surah- Word

The conclusion part in Farsi can be downloaded from the link below:

Download-Falagh Surah-Conclusion


As the Homework please read through "Naas" surah and add a post to the weblog for attendance according to its concepts and your understandings

  • Foreign Language School