School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...

۱۶ مطلب در می ۲۰۱۵ ثبت شده است


Dear Classmates

According to the chain relation of words in a surah, Please draw the word chain relation of Zomar surah
with the central word root "Abd" or "Hosn".

The following procedure is suggested:

1. Put the key word in the center of your diagram(Somehow subjective diagram)

2. Read through each verse and pick a word from it

3. Look up the word in the dictionary(Attahghigh)

4. With the aid of learned methods in "Word-oriented Tadabbor" find the relation of the picked word
    with your keyword. The methods in brief are:
    4.1. Concept, Meaning and examples and their conversion+(Instruments, components, Results)
    4.2. Derivation types and their usage
    4.3. word definitions and different contexts
    4.4. Definition Literature(5 types)
    4.5. Situation-free and situation-based words

5. In your last step draw a branch from the central keyword to the picked one and title the link or the branch according to the previous step.

6. Broaden the branches of your diagram and at last write down the major topics discussed in the surah about the central keyword as a table of contents for an article(By the aid of branch titles)

مثل کلمه طیبه کشجره طیبه اصلها ثابت و فرعها فی السماء

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

The Recorded voice for our last lesson(Monologue) can be downloaded from the link below:


  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

Our last lesson in this topic focuses on a subject called "Words chain relation" in a surah. We all know that the words are the building block of the surah. In the next level they combine together to form verses and at last the combination of verses makes up the whole surah.

The assumption here is that the relation between words are like a minaturized model for the whole surah or lets say it defines the relation structure at upper levels. So if we manage to find out these relations we can draw "meaning network" in a surah.

We can conclude the specification of each surah or the surahs with similar topics from their network. It also helps us to connect surahs from the pathways or the bridges in their networks.

It is done with the aid of all methods learned in "Word-oriented Tadabbor". So this lesson is somehow the review of all previous lessons in a package.

To achieve this well, it is suggested to pick a keyword first in a surah(you can track them! otherwise they will be given to you)

Its logical analysis would be the next step(It is good to refer to the book pages 266,268 and so on for more explanation)

Then you read through the verses and pick words from each verse or verse group. finding out the relations is the most important

part which is done by the aid of learned methods. Entitling drawn branches out from the central keyword would be the last step.

This would be the procedure for finding out word chain relations or the meaning network in a surah which can be converted into

articles on specific subjects based on specific surah.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

For practicing the proposed method please:

1. Find 1 situation-free and 1 situation-based words in the whole Zomar surah.

2. Track the flow of picked situation-free word or meaning through the surah by finding different substrates.

3. Find the situation-free word or meaning behind the picked situation-based word.

3. Reorganize "Abd" word usages in your previous works and define the meaning levels(specify their rank)

notice that the rank arises from the differences in behavior and their beliefs and your common sense. They can be in the same level

if a single subject is looked at from different aspect or they can differ as their substrate differs.

Good Luck

  • Foreign Language School
Dear Classmates

The voice for the 17th session can be downloaded from the link below:




  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

Another point of view on words is talking about situation-free and situation-based words.

Lets look at their definition:

situation-free words:

The words having a meaning which is constant and doesn't change through different conditions.

i.e. The word "Hagh" is a good example which is situation-free. Hagh is hagh over time and it

acts just like a spirit. "Hagh" shows itself in different substrates. The revealance of the book is

on the basis of Hagh it shows Hagh. Also you can see Hagh in every creature. So these examples

are different features of "Hagh".

Another example can be "Hedayat' or the guidance. It is situation-free, but when we see the guidance

we face different kind of it. The guidance by Noah, Ebrahim and other prophets are different types of

guidance. The form has differed but the meaning is constant.

We have different situations or substrates that the constant fact flows in them and makes different words.

By this point we define situation-based words.

Different substrates:

1. This world

  1.1. Nature

  1.2. Human

     1.2.1. Actions

     1.2.2. Beliefs

     1.2.3. Different persons
 Prophet or Imam

   1.3. Society

   1.4. and etc.


2. The transferring process

   2.1. Death

   2.2. Destroying process

3. Hereafter

   3.1. "Barzakh"

   3.2. Calculation of actions

   3.3. Seeing the results

   3.4. Settlement

situation-based words:

These kinds of words are dependent to their substrates and if the substrate changes, they change too. moreover,

with the absence of the substrate these words also disappear.

The words can be literally the same.

i.e. "Ketab" or the book in Qur'an.

We have different meanings :

1) ام الکتاب: The source of all facts

2) کتاب: The book containing ones actions or the records of actions

3) کتاب: The book we read through

Also they can be different literally but have the same meaning and only seen from different aspects and levels.

i.e. The names for the "judgement day"

1)یوم الحسره: The day of regret

2)یوم الفصل: The separation day

3)یوم الحق: the day that reveals the truth

4)یوم الحساب: The calculation day

They all mean the same but the aspect differs.

In this manner we can determine the circumstances of the words and look at them in their specific level. Without

considering these points our understandings can be messed up and result in misleading.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

According to defferent kinds of definition in Qur'an:

Choose the root "Abd" and do the following:

1. Find 2 examples for each type of definition and write them down in a table.

2. Introduce your definition from "Zomar" surah.

3. By referring to "Saad" surah and by focusing on عِبادَ اللَّهِ الْمُخْلَصین‏"‏" term, compare the definition of
    "Abd" in both surahs.

Good luck
  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

The voice for the 16th session can be downloaded from the link below:



A brief review on book 2 and a part of book 3 (in Persian) can also be downloaded from the link below:

A Review

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

When we get to read through the holy Qur'an one important thing to consider is the definition literature.
Despite referring to arabic dictionaries to look up the word meanings, Qur'an or the surah itself defines its
We call this type of definition "Native Definition". In this case a word root in a surah can have a
different meaning by the same root appearing in the other one.
The surah broadens the meaning and by investigating existing usages of the root in the whole Qur'an we can
define the meaning more accurately.
Definition literature in Qur'an can be divided into 5 kinds:

1. The Relative clauses(Mosoul):
    In Arabic we have "آلذی" and its derivatives for this purpose
    As an example we can mention the verse " قد افلح المومنون الذین هم فی صلاتهم خاشعون"
    So it defines The believers or "مومنون" as the ones who are humble in their prayer

2. Characterization:
    Another way to define something is to introduce its characteristics
    As an example look at this verse "یحسب ان ماله اخلده" in homaza surah. it define the one who is homaza with
    his or her beliefs; The one who thinks that his money makes him/her everlasting.

3. Contradiction:
    We have another way to define the words; Defining by their opposites. In this manner the picked word can be
    more understood.
    i.e. The verse "ان کتاب الفجار لفی سجین" The question is ok! what is "Sejjin" by reading through surah it states "ان کتاب الابرار لفی علیین"
    so we can define "sejjin" by "Elliein". The second word means elevation on elevation so we conclude sejjin to be descending on

4. The concluding verses:
    Some verses act as concluding verses. They can be tracked after classification of the verses in separate groups. They have
    the whole subject of a part in brief and even may add new point after conclusion.
    i.e. In Mojadele surah in verse 22 it talks about special characteristics of a group and in the end it says "اولئک حزب الله" so in the
    conclusion it calls them "Hezbollah ".

5. Uni-directionality or sharing same examples:
    In some cases we face the words that share same examples or in the same direction(lets say "Hagh" or "Batel").
    so the words can be defined so by considering this points.
    i.e. Model 1:
         Assume the surah defines "ابرار" and also "مقربین". These two characters are in the same direction
         or better to say they are in "Hagh" front. so we can use them to define each other.
         Model 2:
         The verse states "الذین یکذبون بیوم الدین". it is the definition of "Mokazzebin" by relative clause. it continues by
         "و ما یکذب به الا کل معتد اثیم" the ones who are "معتد" and "اثیم" only deny it. So "Mokazzeb" and the characters
         mentioned share the same action of denial so they can be used for defining one another.

In this manner we can reach the native definition of the words according to each surah and its usage of different kinds
of definition.


  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

According to the methods proposed in "Methods of Tafakkor"


Find an intention for Zumar surah(Initial Intention)


Choose as much verse as possible and try to relate them to your intention

Case 1: The relation of the intention with the verse is determined

           Then: Move on t the next verse

Case 2: The verse was placed out of the intention or was ignored by you

            Then: * Choose a word from the verse and add the points derived from it to your intention

                     * Move on to the next verse

                     * Specialize your intention step by step

Present your final intention in the form of a statement(Final Intention)

Good luck

  • Foreign Language School