School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...


Dear All

According to the "Maoon" surah

a) Write 30 logical statements and at the end define their type " Tafakkor/Taaghol/Tadabor/Taharat" in a Table

b) What is the relation between "Mosalin" and "Mokazebe din" in the surah

c) Assume that you want to make a discriptive clip about Maoon surah(About a verse or the whole surah), please find related pictures first and write down statements relevant to the pictures chosen. A clip sample in addition to word meanings would be uploaded in the next post

d) prescribe a Taharat or a life style according to the maoon surah

e) An offline conversation is suggested this week too. We start the conversation after your questions were collected in a post (Optional) and try to answer them with the aid of each other. Notice that you should write the post not us

Thank you all

  • Foreign Language School


You can Download "Attahghigh fi kalamatel quran el karim" from the link below

it is a summary of the book and in arabic but it would be useful furthermore


We are thankful to "Gordane Taha" for their guidance

  • Foreign Language School

In the name of God

1. A swear to time can be seen in the surah(Application of "و").

2. Time is important(act of swearing).

3. Humankind is in loss definitely(The application of "انَّ").

4. A belonging or wealth exists.

5. The wealth is in danger.

6. Time or the lifetime is an important wealth or belonging of a person.

7. Time is finite.

8. Some people are not in loss.

9. humankind can exit the loss and furthermore can benefit from his/her lifetime.

10. People with special characteristics are excepted from others.

11. People who: 1) Believe                                  are the ones not in loss.

                        2) Come up with good deeds

                        3) Advise others to truth

                        4) Advise others to patience

12. Efficient usage of time leads to the prosperity and benefit.

13. One can evaluate him/herself with the parameters mentioned in the surah to see whether is in loss or not.

14. Efficient time management can be done by focusing on 4 main categories.

15. In decision makings you can compare different choices with their magnitude of loss.

16. God wanted us to manage our time well.

17. Each person has to manage and plan for his life time.

18. God wanted to notice us that we have invaluable wealth and avoid us from losing it by defining preventing mechanisms

19. One should manage his time and program for strengthening his beliefs, make better his actions and advise himself and others on good things.

20. the "taharat" goal would be using our time as efficient as possible with this back ground that "The count-down has started"!


Note: A good example for loss is the story of a person who sells ice in a summer day. If he do not succeed to sell them all, his wealth would be gone and no income he would get. Our ice is melting too!

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All;

To enhance your abilities in the "Tadabbor" process it is suggested to look up the words used in the soore. Words are the building block of each soore. The following words may be useful to you:

1. "Nabz" : Throwing out something after fulfilling our need

                                                                         هو القاء شیء استغنا عنه

2. "Hotama": Breakage of something in a manner that it works no more and its structure harms i.e. Breakage of a glass into small parts

                                                            هو کسر هیئه شیء و ازاله نظمه و افناء حالته 

3. "Allah" : Is the collection of all nouns and adjectives related to God

4. "Mughada" : The characteristic of burning and flaming of the fire

                                                                          هو التوقد و الحراه فی النار

5. "Tatale'o" : Penetration and surrounding something i.e. The sun rise

                                                                               هو النفوذ و الاحاطه   

6. "Af'edah" : The heart with the characteristic of attention to something and love / The heart with many input and outputs


7. "Mo'sadah" : Accordance to something without difference

                                                                                    هو الانطباق

8. "Momadadah" : Spreading in all direction

                                                                         هو الامتداد فی جمیع الجهات

Notice: The meaning of the words are extracted from the book " Al-Tahghigh-fi-Kalamate-al-Quran-al-karim"

  • Foreign Language School

The Presented Diagram is the summary of the first book and our first topic(but it is in Farsi)

You can convert it to english of course!

نمودار کتاب اول

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All;

According to the 4-staged process metioned in the class, Apply it to the "Homaza" Soore(The Slander)

The following items are expected as an outcome:

1. Writing logical statements in each stage as much as possible

2. Highlight "Ta'aghol" statements and introduce the criteria for evaluation/comparison specially in social behavior topic  

3. Answer the question, "what does the soore for your own life

4. Write a plan to practically acquire soore concepts

5. Write an essay suitable to introduce on social networks for a person totally without any quranic background

Thank you all

Notice: The voice of the class would be uploaded in near future

           Next soore we are going to talk about would be "Ma'oon" 

  • Foreign Language School

In the Name Of God

The course outline is as follow and includes 5 general topics:

1. Prerequisites and requirements for "Tadabbor"

   1.1. Practical requirements(First five verses in Baghara soore)

   1.2. Methodological requirements(4 staged mechanism+1 complementry mechanism)

      1.2.1. "Tafakkor" : Decomposition of the system components and discover the relations in the form of statements

      1.2.2. "Ta'aghol": Filtering the resulted statements(General from partial) and derive criteria for evaluation and comparison

      1.2.3. "Tadabbor": What does the understanding has to do to me? synchronization with the understandings and plan to apply them

      1.2.4. "Taharat" : Demonstrate the understandings in practice

      1.2.5. "Ons" : Addition of "Progress" and "Frequency" of referring to Quran in order to complete the cycle

2. Methods of "Tafakkor"

3. Word-oriented Tadabbor(As building blocks of verse and soore)

4. Soore-oriented Taddabor(Classification methods based on soore template)

5. Quran-to-Quran Tadabbor(Usage of a soore to explain the other- soore network)

The partial titles under categories 2 to 5 would be added further on...

  • Foreign Language School

"Tadabbor in Quran" course has the following characteristics:

1. It is a compressed course comprising the first five volumes of Tadabbor methods in quran books published by quran-etrat school publication

2. The course would last in 15 sessions(Each book is covered in 3 sessions)

3. The teaching would be bilingual(Farsi-English) and in some cases arabic is included too

4. The general approach in teaching would be; Teaching the method itself by diagrams and applying the method on a single surah

5. Each session duration would be 2 hours and an extra 1 hour should be devoted to homework and exercises

6. Various exercises are defined in this course such as weblog posts, clips, presentations, etc. It is to be noted that all the hand outs should be in English and be tested in social networks and forums in order to be edited according to the feedback gained.

7. May allah help us all

  • Foreign Language School
Welcome to our course called " Methods of Tadabbor in Quran " in English
In the following posts we would try to depict the goals and discuss the contents of the course in brief
Quran-Etrat Language school
  • Foreign Language School