School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...

۳۷ مطلب با موضوع «Homework» ثبت شده است


Dear Classmates

The coming Thursday(Tir the 18th) we do not have our class. The class would be held next week, by a new formation:

8:30-10:30    surah oriented Tadabbor

10:45-13       Pre-requisites of Tadabbor in detail (Presentation and discussion)

As the homework, please classify "Haaghe" surah sequentially and subjectively. The classification should be done in a kind of table mentioned in previous homework post. Keep in mind that this classification is required in a sense that one can compare between the methods of classification and also has the role of reviewing.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

According to the sequential-subjective classification method, complete the table below for "Vaghe'e Surah" and do your best in finding intentions from verse group relations by different combination of them(Preferably on A3 paper)

we need a conclusive intention from the surah best depicting the specific arrangement of the subjects and the verses along with each other.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

According to the chain relation of words in a surah, Please draw the word chain relation of Zomar surah
with the central word root "Abd" or "Hosn".

The following procedure is suggested:

1. Put the key word in the center of your diagram(Somehow subjective diagram)

2. Read through each verse and pick a word from it

3. Look up the word in the dictionary(Attahghigh)

4. With the aid of learned methods in "Word-oriented Tadabbor" find the relation of the picked word
    with your keyword. The methods in brief are:
    4.1. Concept, Meaning and examples and their conversion+(Instruments, components, Results)
    4.2. Derivation types and their usage
    4.3. word definitions and different contexts
    4.4. Definition Literature(5 types)
    4.5. Situation-free and situation-based words

5. In your last step draw a branch from the central keyword to the picked one and title the link or the branch according to the previous step.

6. Broaden the branches of your diagram and at last write down the major topics discussed in the surah about the central keyword as a table of contents for an article(By the aid of branch titles)

مثل کلمه طیبه کشجره طیبه اصلها ثابت و فرعها فی السماء

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

For practicing the proposed method please:

1. Find 1 situation-free and 1 situation-based words in the whole Zomar surah.

2. Track the flow of picked situation-free word or meaning through the surah by finding different substrates.

3. Find the situation-free word or meaning behind the picked situation-based word.

3. Reorganize "Abd" word usages in your previous works and define the meaning levels(specify their rank)

notice that the rank arises from the differences in behavior and their beliefs and your common sense. They can be in the same level

if a single subject is looked at from different aspect or they can differ as their substrate differs.

Good Luck

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

According to defferent kinds of definition in Qur'an:

Choose the root "Abd" and do the following:

1. Find 2 examples for each type of definition and write them down in a table.

2. Introduce your definition from "Zomar" surah.

3. By referring to "Saad" surah and by focusing on عِبادَ اللَّهِ الْمُخْلَصین‏"‏" term, compare the definition of
    "Abd" in both surahs.

Good luck
  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

According to the methods proposed in "Methods of Tafakkor"


Find an intention for Zumar surah(Initial Intention)


Choose as much verse as possible and try to relate them to your intention

Case 1: The relation of the intention with the verse is determined

           Then: Move on t the next verse

Case 2: The verse was placed out of the intention or was ignored by you

            Then: * Choose a word from the verse and add the points derived from it to your intention

                     * Move on to the next verse

                     * Specialize your intention step by step

Present your final intention in the form of a statement(Final Intention)

Good luck

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

Please pick 5 words(preferably keywords) from Zomar Surah. complete the following table for the words

and explore the components in common. If no commonness was found change your words to finally achieve

the task.

By the components in common write down 5 statements relating the picked words and also explore the intention

Behind revealing Zomar surah or in other words its emphasis.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear classmates

According to the lesson covered till now please do the following tasks:

1. Pick the word "Abd" in Zomar surah and investigate the derivation subject in it.Find different types of derivation

and write down what should be added to our understanding by considering it.

e.g. "Ta'abod": Asghar type --- Object +Desire

* If you noticed that another word's derivatives are more dominant change the picked root "Abd"

2. Choose 3 words from Zomar surah and derive their meaning from "Attahghigh" book and define the type of definition

and also highlight the parts of definition or new words you face in definition.

e.g. "Falagh": The cutting or separation resulting in appearance of two sides --- components

3. Choose 3 words from Zomar surah. The words are preferred to be in at least one type of context. Then compare the

situation when the context is considered with the raw definition.

e.g. "Zehaar": back or revealing  is the raw meaning but in Mojadele surah it is used in religious context. The meaning changes

to a tradition which was a specific kind of divorcing in pegan state of arabs.

Good luck and wish you the best

P.S. I Expect you all to be more involved in uploading texts, clips, understandings, and conversations. We miss you all here.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear classmates

As your homework, try to find examples for the concepts "Din" and "Ghol" (mentioned in Kaferun surah) in

Zomar surah. The following procedure is suggested:

1. Logical analysis of the chosen word according to its meaning

2. Search Zomar surah  and derive the verses containing the exact root

3. From the verses found, write down logical statements and broaden the concept(it characteristics and etc.)

 3.1. In the case where the exact root was not found you can search for the components of the definition in the surah

       say if you are talking about "Din" you have to search for a program and also an obedience.

       The program can be in the form of laws or commands, so by finding commands in the surah you can broaden the

       concept of the word "Din".

Good luck

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

Happy new year! I hope you start a year full of joy and blessings.

For the coming vacation we need to prepare ourselves and do some exercises.

The following table is suggested, but Book #2 and #3 is needed:

Note that the "Reading through" term does not mean detail reading except the case mentioned it only

focuses on gaining a general view on the subject.

God bless you all

  • Foreign Language School