School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...

۱۵۴ مطلب با موضوع «Methods of Tadabbor 1-5» ثبت شده است


Dear All

I congratulate you all. This is our first clip produced by Ms.Moshtaghi.

We are really thankful to her and the long time she spent on it.

May Allah accepts from her

This is a clip based on the vision obtained from Surah Maoon, after thinking and focusing on Surah guidelines to improve our life style.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear all

The Word meanings are introduced as follow

1."Sharaha": To develop in a specific topic,against shrink.

 هو بسط مخصوص فی موضوع، و یقابله القبض‏


هو جعل شی‏ء فی محل‏

3."Vezr":The pressure of something wich is loaded on something else or another place.

 إنّ الوزر صفة و یدلّ على ثقالة فی شی‏ء محمولة على شی‏ء أو محل‏

4."Naghaza":T break and open a firm thing

 هو نکث ما احکم و حلّه‏


 هو مطلق بدوّ فی قبال البطون، بأىّ کیفیّة کان‏


: هو ما یقابل الخفض‏

7."Zekr":To remember something which is forgotten or neglected, either verbally or by heart.

 هو التَّذَکُّر فی قبال الغفلة و النسیان، و هذا المعنى أعمّ من التذکّر بالقلب أو باللسان‏


هو ما یقابل الیسر أى شدّة فی صعوبة و مضیقة


هو سهولة فى سعة، و یقابلها العسر


 هو التخلّى عن اشتغال‏

11."Nasaba":To fix and stand something in a place

 هو تثبیت شی‏ء فی محلّ بالاقامة و الرفع الظاهر

12:"Raghaba":Great desire

 هو المیل الأکید

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

The "Ensherah" Surah is the mate for "Zoha" surah and they are to be recited in prayer with each other

I ask you to kindly follow the steps carefully

1. Make a power point presentation from zoha surah(It can only focus on a single verse or the whole surah or its words)

2. Draw the same table(as in homework #3) in order to determine the relations(general or detailed) in "Ensherah" surah

3. write down 10 logical statements according to the "Ensherah" surah.

4. From the similarities in both surah's structure try to transport between the two and get to know the contrasts.

5. The compare and contrast between the two should result in 10 other statements. This process is actually using a surah to

    understand the other better.

P.S. A sample for PPT presentation would be introduced in further posts

  • Foreign Language School

?The ways to omit hypocrisy from our life according to maoon surah

Please start the discussion in the comment part of this post. You can wait for a response from others or otherwise encourage them to participate

P.S. This is the way to create a post

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

The Word meanings are introduced below

1. "Zoha" :The time that sun spreads its light in the sky. It is against isha and night

 هو الزمان الّذی تشرق فیه الشمس على ناحیة، فی قبال العشاء و اللیل‏

2. "Sajaa":flow

 هو جریان شی‏ء الى أن یثبت و یستدیم على حالة

3. "Vada'a"

هو الدفع بشدّة و عنف‏

4. "Ghalaa"

هو التضیق و التشدید

5. "Ataa":giving something to something else due to either the greatness or the must that donor ordains for himself.

 هو إیتاء شی‏ء لشی‏ء بمقتضى ما فی النفس من عظمة أو التزام، من دون نظر الى جهة تملیک أو غرض أو عوض أو غیرها

6. "Razaya"

 هو موافقة المیل بما یجری علیه و یواجهه‏

7. "Vajada"

: هو إدراک شی‏ء على حالة حادثة فیلاحظ فی الأصل قیدان: الإدراک، و حصول حالة حادثة

8. "Avaya"

هو القصد ابتداء أو عودا الى مقام مادیّا أو معنویّا بقصد السکنى و الاستقرار أو الاستراحة

9. " Zaal":against guided

 هو ما یقابل الاهتداء

10. "Aael":Being in the dominance of someone which poverty and requirement are its impacts.

هو ما یقابل العول، و سبق أنّ العول عبارة عن استیلاء فی استعلاء، فَالْعَیْلَةُ عبارة عن صیرورة تحت استیلاء و استعلاء، و من آثاره الافتقار و الفاقة و الحاجة

11. "Ghanaya"

 هو ما یقابل الفقر، أى عدم الاحتیاج‏

12. "Ghahara"

هو إعمال الغلبة، أى الغلبة فی مقام الإجراء و العمل. و سبق أنّ الغلبة هو تفوّق فی قدرة

13. "Nahara":the intensive defensiveness

هو جریان فی تدافع و قوّة و حدّة

14. "Nemat"

 هو طیب عیش و حسن حال‏

15. "Hadatha": the creation of a new thing

هو تکوّن شی‏ء فی زمان متأخّر

P.S. The homework hints would be omitted gradually in order to strengthen your power of translation

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

This week we are going to talk about "Zoha" Surah. This surah along with "Ensherah" Surah are all about our Prophet(PBUH) and a kind of supporting of him

I ask you to kindly accomplish the following tasks

1. For the second time, Read the "Maoon" Surah and write 5 new statements different from what you had written first

2. Try to classify the verses of "Zoha" surah

    Classifying means separating the verses that have common subject. you can do this in the form of a table introduced below.

3. Relate the verse groups  to each other as much as you can and write down 25 logical statements.

4. As a part of a big project, we were trying to provide a dictionary of each surah words. Please start to complete the dictionary of the previous surahs. The posts in the weblog can help you. it is better to add visual pictures beside the definitions you introduce.

5. Start a discussion on the Topic " The ways to omit hypocrisy from our life according to maoon surah"

    The Book called "Chehel hadith" can help you on the subject. Do not panic about not understanding all the parts.
    Download-2nd Hadith

Good Luck

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

For the descriptive clip mentioned in the Homework #2 you can download a sample clip for homaza surah

from the link below and see what we exactly mean by it




  • Foreign Language School

Dear All;

To enhance your abilities in the "Tadabbor" process it is suggested to look up the words used in the surah. Words are the building block of each surah. The following words may be useful to you:

        1.“Kezb”: It is opposite of truth and is whatever oppose reality and right

هو ما یقابل الصدق، فهو ما یخالف الواقعیّة و الحق‏


        2.“Din”: Humility and submission in front of a plan or exact laws

هو الخضوع و الانقیاد قبال برنامج أو مقرّرات معیّنه‏


3. “Da’a”: To eject with intensity, hardness and without compromise

هو الدفع بشدّة و عنف‏

4.      “Yatama”: To disconnect from what something belongs to and being poor. Orphan is someone who has lost his head of subsistence

هو انقطاع عمّا یتعلّق به و انفراد فى ضعف

     5. "Hazza" :To encourage and urge someone to do something less than his dignity according to credit or illusion    criteria

هی الترغیب و البعث على أمر هو دون شأنه و لو اعتبارا و توهّما

                 6.     “Ta’a’ma”: To Eat or drink coordinated with appetite and taste

.هو أکل شی‏ء أو شربه مع اشتهاء و ذوق

7.      “Sakana”: To be stable against motion that can be either physical or moral

هو الاستقرار فی مقابل الحرکة و هو أعمّ من الاستقرار المادّیّ و الروحی‏

8.      “Sal”: Special worship

هی بمعنى العبادة المخصوصة،

9.      “Sahava”: To neglect to do either an intending action or the will to do something

هو الغفلة عن عمل یقصده و یرید أن یعمل به‏

10.  “Mana’a”: To make excuse for someone who can do something or disruption an activity

إیجاد ما یتعذّر به الفاعل القادر فی عمله، او ایجاد ما به یتوقف جریان عمل

11.  “Ma’ana”: Gentleness and moderation in everything

هو ملایمة و اعتدال فی أمر. 

  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

According to the "Maoon" surah

a) Write 30 logical statements and at the end define their type " Tafakkor/Taaghol/Tadabor/Taharat" in a Table

b) What is the relation between "Mosalin" and "Mokazebe din" in the surah

c) Assume that you want to make a discriptive clip about Maoon surah(About a verse or the whole surah), please find related pictures first and write down statements relevant to the pictures chosen. A clip sample in addition to word meanings would be uploaded in the next post

d) prescribe a Taharat or a life style according to the maoon surah

e) An offline conversation is suggested this week too. We start the conversation after your questions were collected in a post (Optional) and try to answer them with the aid of each other. Notice that you should write the post not us

Thank you all

  • Foreign Language School


You can Download "Attahghigh fi kalamatel quran el karim" from the link below

it is a summary of the book and in arabic but it would be useful furthermore


We are thankful to "Gordane Taha" for their guidance

  • Foreign Language School