School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...

۲۲ مطلب با موضوع «Methods of Tadabbor 1-5 :: "Book Two:Methods of "Tafakkor» ثبت شده است


Dear All

I welcome you to our new topic "Methods of Tafakkor". For the coming session please do the following:

1) Read Through "Modasser" Surah 2 times at least

2) According to 7 different expressive forms(Imperative,Prohibition,Encouragement, Threatening, Narrative, Similitude, Law/Argumentation)

    classify "Modasser" Surah.

    * keep in mind that a single verse can be put under two or more columns

    * Put the verses in the table in the form that the sequence of the verses is kept(by shifting the new numbers a row down)

3) By considering the existing relations between the expressive forms, answer to the questions 5 and 6. In the case of absence,

    the questions can be  downloaded from the link below.


    For answering question 4 you can use "Almizan Tafsir" on the surah

4) Think about the examples of "Ghiam" around yourself and talk about it about 5 minutes

     Please record your voice and bring your recordings this week.


  • Foreign Language School

Dear All

With the aid of Allah we are moving to our next topic in "Tadabbor" course called "Methods of Tafakkor" or actually

the ways for strengthening the contemplation which results in better Taaghol and Tadabbor.

Our second topic outline is as follows:

2. Methods of Tafakkor

   2.1. Seeing well-Hearing well (Strengthening our attention to details)

   2.2. Paying attention to literary and expressive templates/forms(7 main Templates)

   2.3. Paying attention to the background(Reason of revealing, Social conditions and etc)

   2.4. Using words in the surah(Rational analysis of the word - 4 domains)

   2.5. About Statements(Classification, Combination, Higher order statements)

   2.6. Surah Diagram( 3 types)

We will apply all the methods in following sessions on "Moddaser" surah.

The picture below shows the whole process in a Diagram:

  • Foreign Language School