School of Foreign Languages

This school plans to introduce Quranic concepts to people familiar to foreign languages and train talented translators, preachers and educators in order to introduce Quran worldwide to the ones we have responsibility for...

۲۵ مطلب با موضوع «Methods of Tadabbor 1-5 :: Book Four:Surah-Oriented Tadabbor» ثبت شده است


In The Name of ALLAH

Each of Qur'an suras has a fact which meets human's needs and guides him in the perfection path. In each of which one of the guiding and promoting dimensions is expressed as well as some aspects of deficiencies to human's growth and development are emphasized. That is based on human's requirements in addition to his individual and social life stages, each sura is reminding a variety of principles and practical ways.   

The perception of guiding prescriptions of each sura for a mankind is indeed perceiving the life map in each stage of it and also a proper answer to his real requirements. Surely, all of mentioned points vary according to one's growth capacity.  

The Waqi'ah sura, including 96 Ayats revealed in Mecca, is mainly on ending the world and starting of the Resurrection Day. Waqi'ah means an event. People are to divided into three groups of Al-Sabeqoon (the foremost in faith), the Right_handed companions(exalted ones), and the left_handed companions (disgraced ones).   

Ayats1_3: " When the event of Resurrection happens, the event about which there is no lie, it is the Day that will cause some men to disgraced , or descended from what they had in the world, and some to be exalted, or ascended.It is stated that this huge event is definitely to happen without any denial and doubt. In this world some people approve the Hereafter but  some reject it. However, when the Resurrection Day happens, each person meets the result of his worldly intention and preferences. when the event happens, all people see the truth as it is so nobody belies it as the ayat says," The event which there is no lie."   

 Besides, this event causes some people to be descended while some some to be ascended. There are uncovered their worldly intentions and deeds.  Their given positions, in the Hereafter, are in accordance with the degree of their beliefs and actions in the world. The powerful affluent disbelievers are descended and plummeted from their high_ranked positions to the worst place in the Hell punishing  with disgusting food and boiling drink, whereas  the steady believers are ascended to the highest positions in the heaven entertaining with the most delicious food and cold  drinks serving by their available servants.  

Furthermore, some severe natural events will be happened along with this event. Ayats 4_6 : " The earth will be shaken by the most severe shake, and mountains will be crashed and turned into dust, and the dust will become scattered particles(in the air). " We should pay close attention to this fact that to what degree of Richter scale required to crash the huge mountains into dust at a glance. Perhaps hundreds degrees of Richter scale!  

To put it into the nutshell, this sura attempts to remind us of definitely occurring event of the Resurrection Day when the life substrates of human will be thoroughly changed and men are divided and differentiated into three distinctive groups. Based on this fact, it is essential that human  believe in the Hereafter by deeming the monotheism of Creator_Nurturer resulting from mainly required elements of his worldly life. Therefore, we should  highly and honorably praise and adorn Al_Mighty God for His all Blessing and always say, " so celebrate the Absolute Purity of the Name of your Creator_Nurturer the Supreme Great."    


F. Arjmandi 

  • Foreign Language School

In The Name of ALLAH

In "Word_Oriented Tadabbor" book, we have already learned that each sura consisted of several words chosen based on the intention of that sura which make a cluster or "a society" of words. This society in Quran is composed of words and phrases with positive or negative tendencies, which informing mankind about events and true worldly occurrences leading to guide him through warning and/or encouraging verses.                          

Guiding human to the right path depends on Quran; and undoubtedly, each of Quran suras plays a role in achieving this objective. "Sura" means 1) high and honorable excitement ; 2) great wall and fortification to avoid any invasion;i.e, a great wall in order to surround a number of houses or a city; 3) an important factor in solving and refusing any guidance deficiency to people. The effective factor in leading people and causing them to distinguish between believers and disbelievers. This has always made disbelievers to be frightened of sura ascending. Hence, the overall intention of the Holy Book is to guide people from all wals of life.   

  Each and every sura has its own integrity. Additionally, the purposes and objectives of suras differ from each other; as a result, each sura has particular purpose and specific meaning; in the other words, not until does the sura come to its end, its intention is also not completely fulfilled.  

With respect to a concept of a sura, the importance of studying each Quran sura will be perfectly considered; and based on this, we will be aware of the benefits of this method of studying. Some of its merits are as :   

Each Quran sura includes a number of subjects providing a unique atmosphere by considering a collection of topics and their wholly interlocked connection.

In accordance with the growth stages of human and a society, each sura has a unique position for guiding. To have a clear perception of this position leads to open a sura  based on needs of an individual and a society so as to attain more benefits from this Holy Book, Quran.


The more acquainted (ONS) with suras, the higher benefits we gain from them scientifically and spiritually, due to the fact that each sura has a unique position in scientific and spiritual subjects.    

All in all, "Sura_Oriented Tadabbor" is to unitedly survey a sura in order to access its major and minor subjects for approaching and uncovering its guiding intention. The intention ascended by God is to lead people to the right path. 


F. Arjmandi


  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

According to the sequential-subjective classification method, complete the table below for "Vaghe'e Surah" and do your best in finding intentions from verse group relations by different combination of them(Preferably on A3 paper)

we need a conclusive intention from the surah best depicting the specific arrangement of the subjects and the verses along with each other.

  • Foreign Language School

Dear Classmates

The voice for the 21st session focusing on an introduction surah-oriented Tadabbor and teaching the first lesson can be downloaded from the link below:




  • Foreign Language School
In the name of God
Welcome to our 4th topic. The main goal of this topic is to see the surah as a united package of words, verses and topics and reach its intention. Considering the following points are necessary before start:

      1. Surah in Arabic means the wall, it does specify the surah borders and it keeps it as a distinct entity.

      2. Each surah has special arrangement of topics, verses and words different from other surahs. Exploring this special arrangement may help us to find its intention or in other words its special prescription of guidance.

      3.  We have to pay attention here to the cuttings, the relations, the priority of subjects and major or minor subjects in a surah.

      4. The surah template can be determined through “Classification”. So we can call this topic, “Methods of classification”.

      5. “Ons” or getting close to the surah is something necessary here, So the repeating process and looking at surah from different points of view is advised.

      With this introduction, we are going to cover the following topics:

4. Methods of classification

4.1. Sequential-subjective classification

4.2. “Hagh” or truth flow and “Batel” or fake quasi-flow

        Classification of the positive, negative and prophet in the surah

4.3. Desired and unpleasant condition classification

4.4. The facts and human outputs or actions

4.5. Different levels of facts

4.6. Situation-free(Ehkam) and situation-based(Tafsil) verses

    4.6.1. Methods of finding the situation-free verse

    4.6.2. Relative components or mediators(Ehkam-to-Tafsil and vice versa)

    4.6.3. Situation-free verse types(Pure and impure)

    4.6.4. Situation-based verse types(5 types)

    4.6.5. The most SFV or strongest Ehkam

The following diagram shows the 4th book in brief:

  • Foreign Language School